Why walk?


I just finished a 2.6km running that lasted about 0hh:26mm:40ss !


There's no cover for exercise to keep the body fit for people of any age. Not all exercises are suitable for all periods and don't come possible. But walking is an exercise that's suitable for all periods. Can be done fluently. There are numerous benefits to walking. There's no more simple exercise than this. This exercise is most suitable for people of all periods. It can be kept good at a low cost. Can be done anywhere outdoors. Its intensity can be increased or dropped according to the physical capability of the person. No redundant expenditure is needed without proper vesture and a brace of good shoes.

Diabetes case benefits

Diabetics have no choice but to exercise. Regular morning-evening walks, no use of cabs or buses for short distances when going to the request. Diabetes can be controlled by walking or descending without using an elevator for many bottoms. Walking 30 twinkles every day for five days a week or an aggregate of 150 twinkles a week and losing 6 percent of your body weight reduces the threat of developing type 2 diabetes by about 56 percent. And if you have diabetes, walking is especially effective in controlling it. Walking increases the effectiveness of insulin in the body's muscles and lowers blood sugar, taking the lower drug.

Reducing the threat of stroke

One of the threat factors for cerebral hemorrhage or stroke is living a lazy life, getting fat or fat. Body fat is reduced through walking or exercise, the weight comes under control. As a result, the threat of stroke is reduced. Walking five hours a week for one hour diurnal reduces the threat of stroke by 50.

Weight control

Numerous people, just diet to lose weight. But it isn't possible to lose weight just by diet control without walking or living a lazy life. The key to a long-term weight control program is a healthy, balanced diet and regular walking.
Cardiac function

Regular walking increases heart function. So the heart can supply further blood to the body with lower trouble and lower pressure on the highways. There's the lower threat of high blood pressure. Walking increases physical fitness. Regular walking reduces body fat. Lowers bad cholesterol or low viscosity lipoprotein in the blood. Adding the quantum of this bad cholesterol builds up in the highways and increases the threat of heart attack. People who walk at least three hours a week or half an hour daily have a 30 to 40 percent lower threat of heart complaint than others.

Walking increases good cholesterol or high viscosity lipoprotein. As a result, the blood vessels don't block fluently, the walls of the blood vessels don't come hard. Thus, the threat of death due to heart complaints is reduced by about 35 to 50 percent. Reduces the threat of stroke.

Walking and performance

Walking increases heart rate and respiratory rate and blood force. These are more effective. Walking increases blood force to the muscles and increases muscle strength. Lose bodyweight. The body stays fit. Feel yourself stronger. Increases overall body performance.

Controlling high blood pressure

Walking works much like an anti-hypertensive medicine to control blood pressure. Walking doesn't beget high blood pressure and reduces it if it's formerly there.

Walking and threat of cancer

Numerous studies have shown that walking can reduce the threat of some cancers. In another study, published in the British Journal of Cancer Studies, plants that walked reduced the threat of esophageal cancer by 25 percent and excluded long-term constipation. Reduces the threat of colon or colon cancer.

Osteoporosis or bone loss and walking

Osteoporosis is a common complaint in postmenopausal women and aged men. In this complaint, the bones come weak and brittle. Bones can be broken by a slight injury or falling from a small height. Regular walking can play a salutary part in this regard. Studies have shown that women who walk at least one afar a day in the post-menopausal age have advanced bone viscosity than women who walk less. As walking reduces the threat of bone loss, it also reduces the threat of colorful bone conditions, including arthritis.

Mental health and walking

As a result, the mood is good. Walking makes you feel more, less stressed. Walking 30 twinkles every day for three to five days a week reduces the symptoms of depression by 46 percent. Another study plant that women who walked at least an hour and a half a week had an advanced position of cognition than women who walked slower than 40 twinkles a week.

Some tips

  • Warm-up and warm down the body by walking sluggishly for the first 5-10 twinkles of walking and for the last 5-10 twinkles.
  • Drink a little water before and after walking.
  • Don't walk incontinently after eating. Stay 45 to 60 twinkles.
  • Don't walk in the autumn sun. Choose a time in the morning or autumn.
  • Eat commodity within one to two hours after the walk.
  • To get the benefits of walking, you must walk at least three or four days a week for 30 to 45 twinkles. You have to walk presto enough as if the body is sweating a little.

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