A Wednesday Walk Beneath the Clouds


My weekly share for the @wednesdaywalk community, as inspired by @tattoodjay


I don't know what it is about this week, but it feels a tad bit like autumn. One of my new favorite places to eat lunch in the area is located in Galesville, Wisconsin. It's a great little diner and is always packed; today, the Garden of Eatin', as it is fondly called, had the diner's windows open. We sat down and enjoyed a cool breeze through the window...what a novel sensibility for a mid July day in Wisconsin.


With that said, it was time to burn off some calories beeathn some highly gloomy skies in the nearby Trempealeu countryside. A post lunch walk was needed!


The area is known as the Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge. It is nestled in the Mississippi River valley and is a pristine location in the Driftless Region. Again, in case you might not know, the Driftless is an area that was untouched by the glaciers in North America. Unlike most of this part of the world, this area was not wiped out by the Ice Ages. Most of the hills, rivers, and valleys are very old, and very ancient.


So is autumn here already? I hope not, and summer weather is due up this weekend. Yet there was a chill in the air today and it made me feel of September and October on its way. Once the leaves and colors turn, this will most certainly be a place I wll come back to visit (and share photos of!)


And that was today's #wednesdaywalk...it was an easy one. I hope everyone had a wonderful Wednesday!


gloomy and dramatic skies but still so beautiful

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
