This Could Take You Far



Hi guys,

Welcome to my blog. This week, hive Ghana has come out with awesome and fun-filled topics for you and me. This type of topic is for people who do not have any idea but want to write. You can check out the announcement post here to choose from the topics and write on any topic.

Today I’ll be writing about the topic “small gesture, big impact; showing appreciation”. For me, this is one thing we don’t talk about enough and I think a lot of people take it for granted. As kids, our parents always made sure we showed happiness and excitement for whatever we were given not considering the value of the gift.

This days you see a mother asking his or her child of less than a year old to say thank you cause her friend has gifted that child something. All this is just to make the child accustomed to the fact that when you do show a kind gesture for what you’ve been given it can go a long way.

Each time I talk of small gestures I remember that one time my auntie advised me when I got admission into the secondary school. Growing up, I was someone who was used to schooling in different places for each level of education that I had so this time around my wondering took me to a senior high school in Kumasi but before that, we had one or two things to do in Accra which led us to our aunties place.

When it was time to leave my auntie called me over and spoke a lot. Out of the things she said I only grasped two important things and well, not that I wanted to anyway, she made sure it was the thing I grasped. While she was finishing her speech she said to me, you are growing up now and these two words could make or break up in a few seconds. She said to me; that the words “I am sorry” and “thank you” could help you stay out of a lot of trouble.

Maybe, you’re not an African so you don’t normally face the type of bullying we face down here. When you’re in senior high school, you’re seniors will look for every little chance to lay their hands on you and I bet they like it when a junior is trying to play smart or strong. My auntie said, learn to say sorry even if you’re right to save a lot of drama and unwanted punishments. Not that I couldn’t say sorry before but I didn’t say it often if I was right but my auntie said even if I am right I should say it when it comes to my senior.

The next thing she said was to learn to say thank you for every little gesture that has been made towards you. Out of the two words, the thank you is the one that has brought me this far. There are certain things someone will do for you and wouldn’t even expect a thank you but the moment you say it they get to see how valuable it is to you. It might look so small in their eyes but in your eyes, it’s one of the biggest and greatest gestures. For some people, a thank you to them will make them continue to do you a lot of good.

Out of these two words, the hardest for most people to say is sorry. The word sorry, helps you to get out of a lot of situations. Saying sorry means you accept that what you did wasn’t cool and you regret it. Saying sorry to some can change their whole mood.

These little gestures can take you far in life.

Thank you.


Great article! It's a reminder that small gestures like saying "thank you" and "I'm sorry" can have a significant impact on our relationships and interactions. Expressing appreciation and apologizing when necessary can indeed make a positive difference in our lives. Thanks for sharing this insightful perspective.


Thank you.

Yes that’s very true. Sometimes you don’t even need to be hard about it even if you feel in the right. Just say those 3 magic words and everything will be alright.


Thank you for sharing
