innovation And Caution In The Digital Age

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The AI topic has always been a hot topic on hive. According to some people, it’s causing a lot of harm than good. According to the other side of the room, it can be leveraged to our advantage.

First of all, I must admit that my first encounter with the writing and drawing AIs was in a discord group that I am in. The admin; Mr Dragon introduced us to an art AI that could produce really wonderful drawings of anything you asked it to. Later on, we got to know about chat GPT and then the whole frenzy about it being banned on hive and all that started. Before I continue I’d first of all like to define what AI is according to Oxford English Dictionary.

Artificial intelligence; as most people know it is the study and development of systems that can copy intelligent human behaviour -Oxford dictionary.

In this context, AI can be anything which is automated. Unfortunately, when AI is mentioned most people think it’s chat GPT. AI was in existence long before chat GPT became a thing. AI has been in the medical industry and one most popular use case of AI is the robot named Sophia. Sophia a rather sophisticated type of AI has been in existence for quite some time now.

I’ve used AI for quite some time now. But to be quite frank the most time that I have used AI was when Chat GPT became a thing. For a chat AI that could actually help us students become lazy, we were up for it. For any difficulty you faced during a class quiz or an assignment chat, GPT was my man. Rather sincerely I think chat GPT AI has done a lot more harm than good to a lot of people. As students, we do need assistance but I think we were not using it in the right way to help us in our academic life.

For everything whether good or bad, there is always going to be an abuse of it and I think it can’t be stopped. We all have different opinions on matters that affect the world and at times what some people think is bad can actually be good to some people. A clear example is with hive and chat GPT. Some people used it to write posts for them, in their eyes there was nothing wrong with it as it made writing easier for them; all they had to do was give it a few instructions and voila it did what it was told.

According to others, it made people lazy. Sincerely I didn’t know where to stand in this conversation. I say this because, on one hand, I think AI is the best thing that has ever happened to us. After all, it makes life really easy for most people. But then on the other hand I also think that overusing it to the point where it writes a complete posts for someone defeats the purpose of proof of brain of hive.


For me, I normally use it for my post titles when I don’t know what to say. I’d most probably ask Chat GPT to give me a title for his post as well. Apart from writing titles for me, I don’t employ its use for any other thing.

Whether we accept it or not AI still needs a lot of fixing. Yes, AI is great and most of the time it seems to get what we want as it has been developed by a human. But machines are prone to mistakes. What we need to realise is that as humans we evolve over time and what these AIs don’t do is evolve, so yes I think they do need a helping hand to generate good content for us.

AI is good but as I said to everything there is a good side and a bad side. There was this time I came across an image-making AI, all that AI needed was a face and it could fix it to anybody you wanted it to. Now, with a few commands here and there a bad person can totally describe a naked person to it and it will print it out as it wants; now you don’t need me to tell you how this can be used in bad ways.

AI can be great at times but at times it needs a helping hand to make your work perfect. The bad parts of AI is also normal for anything that has so many use cases. Yes, we might wanna downplay the essence of AI in our lives but we can’t deny that it has done a lot more good than harm in society.

This is an entry into the #juneinleo prompt, you can read more about it here

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I was so engaged till I saw the car… Rubilu bought a car in this hot Ghana?

Okay I see you baba.

Do you actually think AI won’t evolve? Because even technology has evolved over the years, from telephone, to yam to smart phone…



Me bought a car? I beg oo😂. It’s a picture of someone’s car oo.

I don’t think AI won’t evolve. I just think it doesn’t evolve as fast as we humans do. That’s why I said it still needs a lot of guidance from us as humans.


Mmm baba wants to be humble… that’s not what @yahuzah said o🤣🤣


Me I don’t have that kind of money oo😂. Even to see food chop 3 times in a day is a problem oo😂


My post was banned for using AI. But Peakd has AI built in.
And I understand the coders are using AI.

Whats the stand on AI for Hive, as I understand its not allowed ???
