Lost Legendaries Ruleset | Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! Splinterlands

Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well in your life. Welcome to my Battle Mage Secrets post. In this post, I will talk about the Lost Legendaries Ruleset.

Lost Legendaries Ruleset

In battles with the Lost Legendaries Ruleset, Legendary Monsters may not be used, but Legendary summoners can be used.

The Lost Legendaries ruleset is an uncomplicated ruleset, but if your deck is powerful in Common, Rare, and Epic cards, you'll love this ruleset, so I love this ruleset and would say it's one of my favorites.

Regardless of the rulesets in the battle, if you determine a good strategy, your probability of defeating your opponents will increase, and I recommend that you analyze your opponent's recent 5 battles and the rulesets of the battle well to determine a good strategy. To give some examples, Thorns, Shield, Demoralize, Repair abilities and armor are very useful against melee attacks. Magic Reflect, Silence, Void, Void Armor abilities are very useful against magic attacks. Return Fire, Headwinds, Shield, Repair abilities and armor are very useful against ranged attacks. It is possible to give many more examples, I only mentioned the ones I use most above. By analyzing your opponent well in battles, defend well against your enemies with your strategy, make them suffer, and attack them powerfully to destroy them and achieve victory. There are almost no teams that a powerful strategy cannot beat.


Battle Link

Battle Ruleset

  • Lost Legendaries: Legendary Monsters may not be used in battles.
  • Counterspell: All Monsters have the Magic Reflect ability.
  • Fire & Regret: All Monsters have the Return Fire ability.


According to the rulesets of the battle, in this battle, all Monsters will have the Magic Reflect Ability, Return Fire Ability, and Legendary Monsters may not be used. Before starting the battle, when I reviewed the recent 5 battles of the opposing player, I saw that the opposing player had very powerful cards and I knew that I would fight against a much stronger team, so I needed a much better strategy to win the battle.

It would be disadvantageous to use Magic and Ranged Attack Monsters in this battle, so I will use Melee Attack Monsters. I almost knew that the opposing player would also prefer Melee Attack Monsters, and I will determine my strategy accordingly. First of all, I will take care to choose Monsters with armor and give them all extra armor, and in addition, I will include the Thorn Ability and Rapir Ability in my lineup, I believe that I can win this battle in this way.

The continuation of the strategy and my team's lineup is as follows;



I choose Helios Matriarch as the Summoner because I want to use a Gladiator card and Fire Monsters as well as Dragon Monsters in battle. Additionally, thanks to the Helios Matriarch, all monsters in my team will have +1 speed.

Position 1 : DJINN CHWALA

In the first position I put Djinn Chwala with Thorns and Enrage abilities. Djinn Chwala is a dragon that can attack the target powerfully, as well as being very effective in battles with its abilities, especially its Thorns Ability, which makes melee attack monsters suffer.


In the second position I put Chimney Wallstop, which has Reach, Bloodlust and Repair abilities. Chimney Wallstop is a gladiator that is almost as powerful as a legendary card and can be very effective with its abilities, especially in such battles. I put it in the second position because it has the Reach Ability.


In the third position, I put Ferox Defender with Protect and Repair abilities. Even though Ferox Defender cannot attack while in the backline, I added it to my team because I believe it will be very useful to the team with its abilities. And with Ferox Defender, I have added two Monsters with Repair Ability to my team and I have no doubt that the opposing team will have a hard time in this battle.

Position 4 : URAEUS

In the fourth position, I put Uraeus with Sneak and Poison abilities. I can say that I added Uraeus to my team because I wanted to target the back line of the opposing team, especially starting from the Monster in the last position of the opposing team.

Position 5: DUMACKE ORC

In the fifth position, I put Dumacke Orc with Shield and Retaliate abilities. Dumacke Orc cannot attack while on the backline, but since I wanted to hunt Sneak and Opportunity Monsters with melee attacks in this battle, I added her to my team. Dumacke Orc is a complete nuisance for enemy Melee Attack Monsters with its abilities, and I love trapping them with it.


In the last position, I put Naga Assassin with the Backfire Ability. Although all enemy monsters have the Return Fire Ability, I would like to say that I added Naga Assassin to my team because it has the Backfire Ability and it only costs 2 mana. I placed it in the last position, especially considering that the opposing team might have Sneak Monsters with melee attacks.


You can watch the entire battle from the video or from the Battle Link

Round 1

In the first round, the opposing team's Uraeus and Tenyii Striker missed Naga Assassin, so they both took 2 melee damage. Forgotten One dealt serious damage to Djinn Chwala, but also took serious damage from the thorns. Additionally, Chimney Wallstop dealt 6 damage to Forgotten One's health. And repair abilites repaired Djinn Chwala's 4 armors.

Round 2

In the second round, Forgotten One from the opposing team was destroyed, while Naga Assassin from my team was destroyed. Rapir abilities prevented Djinn Chwala from being destroyed, which gave my team a great advantage while putting the opponent team in a difficult situation.

Round 3

In the third round, the opposing team's Ferox Defender was destroyed. And Dumacke Orc was poisoned, which means it will die at the beginning of the next round. Frankly, I didn't expect Dumacke Orc to be destroyed so early, but the poison worked very well for the opposing team. Additionally, Chimney Wallstop got +1 to all its stats for destroying the Ferox Defender.

Round 4

In the fourth round, Chimney Wallstop also destroyed Uraeus, meaning it once again got +1 to all its stats. Chimney Wallstop has now become much more dangerous for enemies. In the fourth round, Uraeus from the opposing team was destroyed, while Dumacke Orc from my team was destroyed.

Round 5

At the beginning of the fifth round, Iidri Fyre and Supply Runner on the opposing team were destroyed, leaving only Tenyii Striker on the opposing team. Tenyii Striker also has only 4 health left due to the damage it received. Tenyii Striker has no chance of winning this battle alone.

Round 6

At the beginning of the sixth round, Djinn Chwala destroyed Tenyii Striker and my team was able to win this tough battle.

The battle lasted 6 rounds and my team won this tough challenge. To be honest, I didn't expect to win this battle so easily, but my strategy worked quite well so it was easy for my team to achieve victory. The fact that I included the Thorns Ability and 2 Repair Ability in my lineup was very useful in this battle, as I mentioned above, they are very useful abilities against melee attack monsters, so I attach great importance to using them in such battles. I recommend you to watch this very interesting and challenging battle from Battle Link. I hope you will like it.



All Images Taken from Splintelands.

What are your thoughts on the battle and my strategy? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

Battle Link

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0E-8 BEE

Your fire warriors are very well position in the arena. Nice battle
Thank you for sharing this strategy with the community.

I purchased my pass with a voucher because it's cheaper. As a Diamond league player, my experience is that Glint rewards are high, and the opponents are very strong. I hope that in lower leagues, Splinters will find average players to compete against.

How was your experience in the Wild format since the season reset?

Wishing you a good season,

0E-8 BEE

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Thank you very much for the support.

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Thanks for sharing! - @zallin

Good Work, thanks for sharing!

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Thanks very much for the support.

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