Describing My Day of Dreams

A wonderful topic to write on by Ecency star. What does a perfect day look like? It can be a day from your life or your dream day. Click here to get more details on it. I opted to write on my dream day because usually I am sharing my routine life and experiences on daily basis but now its time to share something new and different.

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

A perfect day varies to individuality and personality, it cannot be same for everyone but one thing could be common and that is no one wants trouble or stress on their perfect day. It goes same for me too. There are things which I plan or think of but never start doing it. I always do this, making my perfect day of dreams mostly before sleeping, I will do that I will do this but everything just got messed up because of my laziness.

My Dream Day:
1.It should start with morning prayers following with some basic exercise in order to control my tummy, a little bit of jogging and then a healthy breakfast.
2.Reaching at work on time, I don’t remember when was the last time I reached office on time.
3.Getting appraisal news or increment or bonus at work
4.Coming back home on time with some snacks/toys for the kiddos
5.Playing or having some activities with kiddos, it would be great if they listen and act on my commands perfectly
6.Having a cup of tea with my family
7.Checking on the learning progress of my kiddos
8.Going Gym for at least an hour
9.Having dinner with family where Cold Drink is mandatory
10.Mars chocolate after dinner while having a walk for at least an hour
11.News or movie before sleeping

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

This is how it should be but it never start or ends like this lol. Well, I am still positive that I will change myself soon and will probably make a type of dream day soon, things which are under my control can be done but due to tiredness or you can say laziness, I am unable to cop up with all these. I am hopeful and B+, that’s my blood group, that one day I will start living the way I want to be as my dream day.


Nice , I think u already do many thing you like go do. I see many things on that list that already are in your daily routine. For myself I would rather say the day me and my family wakes up healthy thats my perfect day 😉


only 9 and 11 is on my daily routine. Dinner and movies hehehe
yes that's true, waking up fresh and healthy is the start of a perfect day.
I wish you having perfect days all your life, keep smiling 😄
