Chicken stomach/ Kycklingmage
How I made Chicken Stomach Cooking is done every day, but still I think it's a little extra effort you have to put in when you have to take a pictures to write a blogg. I find…
Full-time working women, wife and mother of three easy going kids.
How I made Chicken Stomach Cooking is done every day, but still I think it's a little extra effort you have to put in when you have to take a pictures to write a blogg. I find…
It is not cowardly to admit mental illness. Despite the fact that mental illness is common throughout the world, there is very little acceptance about it. I don't think there is…
Masala Tofu with mixed paprika A while ago I heard a lot about Tofu and how healthy it was, especially for those who don't eat meat. Not being a meat lover I thought I'd try…
My first Baby Shower! Nowdays Baby Shower is becoming more and more popular in Sweden. Just about a few years back when I got my kids there was no concept of gender revealing or…
Vår överraskningsresa till Örebro Denna jul var inte som alla andra jul då julledigheterna, röda dagar infall på helgerna alltså lördag och söndag, vilket gjorde att man var…
Hej iDesi Hive Community, hoppas ni alla mår bra trots det kyliga vädret. I Söndags var det en sådan kylig dag när man bara ville vara inomhus och gosa under täcket. Så jag…
Hello! Needlework fellows. This is the first time I am writing in this community. I like to write about myself and my LOVE for needlewoork. As long as I can remember I have…