Top 3 Cards According to Health

This is a game of cards so you have to think well about what you would have and what you will play with, If you have a good ability to control the game till the 8 and 9 mana so these cards will make a new turn in the way that battle are going on and definitely will help you alot.

Look at this one that has 13 attack and 17 health, it works as a frontline and also gives some damage to the enemy.

I Wish I will not face anyone with any of these cards until I have one since common cards will deal nothing with these ones, and if I wanna to play with opponent having any of them I have to finish the game early, This is the only way.

Guardian of the underworld


This card is also unbelievable it has 16 health and can attack with 16, Imagine that smashing opponent in only two hits but beware while using this card since it destroy all other creatures and obliterate your hand so using it has a tax .

and also it is used only when 9 mana gems unlocked so I think you will need only one hit from him since the other opponent would be so exhausted at the end of the battle.

Arius, Augur Paroxysm


This card is unbelievable as it hits by 15 and if your enemy is still healthy and has 30 health this card can defeat him with two hits.

Of course I don't own this card but this card can definitely make a difference if you can match the match up to 9 Mana you can turn the tables with it.

There are a lot of cards that can affect their Effect, but in this post, I'm looking for cards that have a high attack:

