Splinterlands : Land release might change the way of playing Splinterlands .


Splinterlands : Land release might change the way of playing Splinterlands .

LAND is much awaited and may be the one of the biggest release in the game of Splinterlands. With the launch of the land that will allow minting of spell and items by the player that can be used in battle will definitely add deeper mechanics to the battle.


Though much of the land utility is already explained in the very initial post and Splintercards Land Expansion infographic is a good and quick way to understand about the land and type of the land.

So by seeing and analyzing all the information it does not look like that land will just act like a passive resource and player will get some kind of automatic yield without spending any time in Land.

Players has to spend time in land by Harvesting it , Constructing and maintaining the buildings , crafting the spells and item and finally using or selling them in the market.

Whatever I read and understand, that card staking or card are required to work on the Land so it means that 2 players having same type of land might have different outcomes based upon their effort and strategy so managing Land itself will become on of the gameplay and using the crafted items in the battle will be another aspect of the gameplay.

In case you wondering about LAND then it is now available in secondary market like Hive-Engine in tokens of PLOT, TRACT and REGION and Atomic hub under "splintrlands" collection and schema name "land.claims"

In total , I have 3 land plots and I am eagerly waiting for Land to be integrated in game because I think as land is limited to only 150K , so each land will generate some nice amount of income. Actually LAND also give freedom to Splinterlands team to integrate the features that are not directly card game but their end result can enhance the card gameplay.

I also think with LAND release , Splinterlands will attract further more player base and it will be going to be more fun 2 ply with more play 2 earn opportunities.

Note for my affiliates

If you want to play splinterlands then you can join it here

I saw few of the player joined the game using my affiliate link and then stopped playing after few battles. If you have any difficulty in playing game, do not hesitate and join the game discord. It is really helping community and contact me here or on discord, I will definitely review your game for your better game experience.


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I read your post with excitement like Land is here already, am also looking forward to Land integrated into the game, I was fortunate to buy one wish I bought more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I guess land will take time , I guess precedence goes for SPS P2E rewards , riftwatchers , Node License validator code.

But whenever land will come, be sure to have cards , I guess cards will be needed for production.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Great Post!


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Land is something i have thought about buying but havent done so yet. Interesting possibilities though.

