Splinterlands: Battle Mage Secret "Fire & Regret"


Splinterlands: Battle Mage Secret "Fire & Regret"

This week Battle Mage Secrets featured the ruleset "Fire & Regret" in which all units receive the Return Fire ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with ranged attacks receive damage back.


So I started keeping an eye on my battles to make sure if any battle come with the desired ruleset, I will be extra cautious to select the team , so that I have every chance to win the battle.


I do get "Fire & Regret" ruleset but along with other two ruleset of Sneak and Amplify.


Mana cap of 36 Mana is also a nice mana cap to field an experiment team in which we got the liberty to "mix and match" and try new combinations.

Hero of the Battle.

Lord Arianthus in this battle was the perfect card to use to win the match. Since Lord Arianthus has Sheild and Void that make it excellent card for tank as every attack whether it is magic, ranged or melee will have reduced effect due to these capablities.


But on the hand it gas magic reflect to punish back its magic attackers,Thorns to punish back melee attackers, ruleset granted it "Fire and Regret" so it is now able to punish Range attackers too.
Amplify is also acquired by ruleset allows it to amplify the damage back to attacking monster.

So it is my tank and Hero card as it will take reduce attack from every attacker but amplify damage back to every attacker.

Other Monsters in Lineup

Second in Lineup is "Djinn Oshannus" that itself can be strong tank due to its "phase" and "Fortification" abilities. "Crustacen king" is for healing the tank cards and I really contested should I go for "Merdaali Guardian" as fire and regret ruleset will send damage back to my "Crustacen king" but protect ability of this monster made be to favour this monster. "Ruler of Seas" is my favourite magic card to "blast" my opponents. "Vernari Marstat" is added so that it can be "martyr" in fire and regret ruleset, giving boost in stats to its adjacent card.
"Sea Monster" is there to protect tail as it has nice health, healing ability and "amplified" thorns ability to punish its melee attackers.

Let move to Battle.

So attacker have level 6 Thaddius Brood that make it 1 level up in summoner level to attacker.


Above image show that how mosters look after all summoner and monsters abilities were applied.


Abobe image is for start of Round or after end of Round 1. Opponent tank is lost and every monster look pale in health.
I did not lostany monster but "Sea Monster" is just hanging in tail and Vernri Markstat is ready for martyr is good news.


Start of round 3 make very clear that I am going to be victor in this quest.

Link to Battle id

My other post in Splinterlands.

Splinterverse (Splinterlands Metaverse) : A comprehensive ecosystem for everyone to earn.

Staked 200K SPS and my future Splinterland's plan.

Splinterland's : Can I Survive on my Splinterland's earnings.

Splinterland's : Explosive growth is yet to come.

Splinterland's : Earned assets worth more than 1 BTC.

Splinterlands : Land release might change the way of playing Splinterlands .

Splinterlands : When luck strike twice in gap of few days.

Splinterlands : Ways to earn DEC

Splinterlands : Do not ignore Guilds

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Splinterlands : My passive income generator

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Splinterland's : Recap of my November Earning

Splinterland's: Pulled trigger to buy more SPS.

Note for my affiliates

If you want to play splinterlands then you can join it here

I saw few of the player joined the game using my affiliate link and then stopped playing after few battles. If you have any difficulty in playing game, do not hesitate and join the game discord. It is really helping community and contact me here or on discord, I will definitely review your game for your better game experience.


Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
