Bird and Cognac (fable)


Bird and Cognac

In a dense forest, on a high branch,
Beautiful Bird sat and sang her songs.
She flew from one tree to another
And continued to sing, happily looking at the sky.

But one day Bird saw the bottle
With enticing content inside.
Cognac was stored there, golden and fragrant,
Bird was tempted, she could not pass by.

Free image from Pixabay

She sank to the ground and began to drink,
Forgetting about songs and branches of the tree.
Cognac enveloped her in mist and warmth,
And Bird completely lost her inspiration.

Time passed, and Bird continued to drink,
Farther and farther from sky and from songs she left.
She forgot her talent and purpose,
Becoming a prisoner of pernicious attraction to Cognac.

Once, when Bird was already weak,
She heard the song in the distance.
It was Cognac that awakened forgotten melody,
And hope and faith revived in the heart of Bird.

So the fable about Bird and Cognac tells definitely:
If you throw half a bottle of Cognac in the forest,
You cannot know in advance who will find it and finish it,
Therefore, it is better to finish your Cognac yourself,
Throw only checked empty bottles in the forest.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically so the translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.


Nada mejor que esa reflexión, beberse el coñac, me ha gustado, ademas de como la vida puede pasar sin darse cuenta en un solo disfrutar de algo que nos aleja de la realidad..gracias por compartir
