Astronaut and Basketballer (fable)


Astronaut and Basketballer

In the vastness of space, far from Earth,
Astronaut flew as if a bird soared in the sky.
He boldly walked along the cosmic paths,
Sparkling hundreds of stars on the way.

On Earth, on the city sports ground,
Basketballer trained, tall and powerful.
He threw the ball accurately and confidently,
In the sports world he was a master.

Free image from Pixabay

"I remember you, Astronaut! - thought Basketballer, -
How is your flight into the boundless universe?
I would also like to fly to distant galaxies,
But someone must be here on Earth."

"I remember you, Basketballer! - thought Astronaut, -
I imagine how you train with the ball.
I would also like to conquer stadiums,
But I must go to a distant nebula."

So brain impulses moved between two containers,
In which Astronaut and Basketballer lay motionless.
Nobody flew anywhere, nobody jumped with the ball,
It was complete simulation of reality.

Next to the containers, the scientist silently thought:
"I remember you, tailor, how you sewed a jacket."
And the tailor meanwhile thought:
"I remember, baker, how you kneaded dough for muffins."
But no one baked muffins and no one sewed a jacket,
The whole planet lay in containers
And thought about something.

Then Astronaut woke up, wiped himself with a towel,
Put on a spacesuit and, without waking anyone, flew away.
Before launch, he turned off the light.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically so the translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.


There's another translation program called that you might find helpful.

Congratulations on being selected for @ecency curation. Keep up the good work.


I like google translator, because any artistic text in his hands turns into "naive art". To achieve such effect on your own, you need to be Charles Dickens 🙂
