

It has been said since the beginning of time that every hustler has a payday, I have always lived my life in absolute trust that one day fortune will smile on me šŸ¤© and while waiting I have decided to make myself happy with the little I have right now heheā€¦

Thanks to my mentor @burlarj who has thought me different things about life, i remember a particular saying of his that goes like this hehe, there is always a time of enjoyment for every man who works hard and diligently, this saying actually means different thing to different people but to me it means, one should never hesitate to treat oneself to a life of enjoyment and ultimate satisfaction with the little profit one makesā€¦

After all, a lot of sacrifices has been made to achieve that which one have right now and treating ourselves to the best is the least we can do to tell our body well done and to never give up ā¬†ļø on achieving moreā€¦



This is why I never hesitate to treat myself to a life of enjoyment whenever my profit enters my pocket, my mentor has never deprived himself of a good and satisfying meal irrespective of the cash he has, I learnt this from him and that is why I always treat myself to something good and special whenever my body demands for it, I donā€™t care how much it costs me, as long as I am working hard daily, I think the least I can do is to satisfy myself once in a whileā€¦

Following in the step of my mentor, I decided to treat myself to something nice and satisfying this night, I have been craving this for quite a while now but I have been keeping that desire in check but today, all hell broke loose and I satisfied myself with the last penny I had in my account heheā€¦

I am presently in an all night program right now, I left home around 6pm today and the only meal I had was breakfast and then this night I was feeling so famished and dehydrated, I was about to get snacks when I saw my cravings right in front of me heheā€¦


My first thought was to go get that which my heart desires, I looked at my account balance and looked away from it, i was on my way out when I remembered the saying of my mentor hehe, I mustered up the courage and bought what my heart desired and guess what?, I am happy I followed my heartā€¦

As said above ā¬†ļø, my cravings for the past week has been SHAWARMA and HOLLANDIA YOGHURT, I saw a shawarma stand tonight and desired to end all my cravings there this nightā€¦



I ordered 2 HOT šŸ„µ AND WELL SEASONED SHAWARMA, I was so famished that I almost ate it with the wrap lol, I took my time devouring it and I could feel my stomach feeling joyous and satisfied after consuming two hot shawarmas heheā€¦

I got my shawarma from a roadside shop and he actually met up to his reputation as the best shawarma stand in that location because it was so tasty and satisfyingā€¦


In no time I devoured the first shawarma and unwrapped the second one and without wasting so much time, I devoured the second shawarma and decided to step it down with a bottle of chilled Pepsi since I couldnā€™t presently afford the hollandia yoghurt heheā€¦

The Pepsi was so chill and satisfying and it went down straight and guess what?, I am so full, satisfied and also broke at the same time heheā€¦

I am happy being broke because I spent my money on satisfying myself and this is my joy tonight, I love myself for making myself happy this night and I think I will be doing this more often heheā€¦


In summary, never forget to make yourself happy when an opportunity presents itself, I guarantee you that the feeling is real and satisfying, I am actually talking from real life experienceā€¦

In conclusion, I am good to go now and after spending my last penny on satisfying myself, I need to get back to work so that I can more than enough to enjoy myself next time heheā€¦

1.51047958 BEE

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 164 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

0E-8 BEE

Hey @quduus1, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

0E-8 BEE

Agba, living the moment, that s nice my man! we only live oncešŸ™‚

0E-8 BEE

Heheh that is the word lol bad guy lol

0E-8 BEE

Treating yourself and finding joy in life's little pleasures is not something an individual could regret. I always treat myself after finishing quizzes and exams as long as I attain good scores. I hope you enjoyed your craving for shawarma and Hollandia yogurt. I wish you further success and a series of moments of happiness and self-indulgence in the future!

0E-8 BEE

Thanks for the thoughtful reply bro, it is indeed a must to always treat oneself to sth satisfying and fulfilling once in a while and I am happy to have taken such a step yesterday šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©, thanks for stopping by bro

0E-8 BEE

Yay! šŸ¤—
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0E-8 BEE

See enjoyment n, guy life is short spend the money make sapa and hungry no kill you, you are definitely following your mentor's step.

0E-8 BEE

Hehe abeg I canā€™t kill myself oh šŸ˜‚

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Eat it when you have it but cut your cloth according to your size.

0E-8 BEE

Hummmm thanks

0E-8 BEE