An Intriguing Visit to Uluwatu Temple: Monkeys, Dance, Sunset and iPhones

Captivating Views and So-Called Unexpected Adventures

Every visit to Uluwatu Temple captivates me, no matter how many times I’ve been there. The view of the Indian Ocean from the cliffs is breathtaking. Standing ninety meters above the sea with no beach below, you feel as if you are at the edge of the world (Again? Another edge of the world??).

There are many people standing by the wall along the cliff waiting for the stunning sunset. From here you can also see the mesmerizing view of the temple perched on the cliff’s edge.

A Monkey's Mischief

Among the many tourists, I noticed a family – a husband, wife, and their young daughter. They were engrossed in taking photos by the wall, completely unaware of a monkey getting closer to them.

As I saw the monkey approaching, I shouted, "Watch out for the monkey!" but it was too late. The monkey snatched the iPhone and quickly ran off. The tourists were shocked and didn’t know what to do.

A Heroic Rescue

Luckily, there were temple staff nearby. A local tour guide called one of them over. The staff member approached with plastic bags of food – bananas and other fruits.

He threw one plastic bag to the monkey, who grabbed it with one hand. Then, he threw another bag, forcing the monkey to use its other hand and drop the iPhone.

The staff climbed over the wall and retrieved the phone, much to everyone’s relief. The crowd cheered and clapped for his successful rescue. The tourists were so grateful to get their phone back.

Charm and Beauty of Uluwatu

This incident is a reminder of the so-called unexpected adventures that can happen at Uluwatu. While the monkeys are cute, they can be quite naughty.

Despite the warnings, some people still don’t pay attention, giving the monkeys a chance to cause mischief. I guees ,it’s all part of the unique charm and thrill of visiting Uluwatu Temple.

And of course, beyond the monkeys and the sunset, Uluwatu offers a breathtaking view that draws tourists from all over the world. Some come just to enjoy the temple and the stunning vista, without even staying for the regular dance performance which also take place here.

As the sun sets, painting the sky in hues of red and orange, it’s a moment that captures the essence of Bali’s natural beauty. On a clear day, the sunset at Uluwatu is a sight to behold and to remember.

All photos in this blog post are mine and were taken with a Canon G7X Mark II.


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Wow, the view from the temple wall and the sunset look wonderful.
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!


Thanks for your support. It's a popular travel destination.


Hello, this sunset really is very beautiful 😍 and the place is incredible too ☺️ I feel like being in that place right now ☺️


Thank you. Maybe some day you'll come to this place.


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