The Feeling of Relief from Discomfort


When a part of the body is paining you, all other body parts would be affected. For instance, when you have a headache, it makes you uncomfortable, feel pain, running temperature and deprives you of being productive as you would be nursing pain and inconvenience especially when the headache is severe as in the case of migraine. It's so funny how our emotions are affected when something is wrong with us and we tend to focus our mind on it until there is a solution.

I felt this pain in my right tooth since Sunday. Although the pain had developed for two months making me not eat well. The left tooth would always pain me whenever I chew food and it made me depend on my right tooth only which became inconvenient and uncomfortable for me. I was enduring it and at a time, the pain ceased, not until on Sunday, I felt some particles that were glued to the gum part and when I tried to force them out with a tiny object, I felt this sharp pain and blood was coming out. I couldn't continue but to hold my left cheek to ease the pain. I couldn't eat well that day and was careful not to chew with that part.

It has been a long time since I have planned to visit a dentist to help me clean my teeth but was postponing it until things turned this way. I explained my situation to my siblings who advised me to visit the hospital and do the needful. The premolar teeth kept paining me and I got so disturbed and sick because of it. I didn't have the strength to do much except to nurse the pain. I scheduled today for the visitation and that was it.


I woke up late as I was feeling unwell. Work has resumed today but I sent a message to the vice principal informing him of my absence and the reason which was to visit the hospital. When there is good health, you feel active at work, so I decided to take care of myself first. I went to the General hospital around the area and met with the dentist who had to explain some things to me before the process began. I explained my situation to him and he took an object to check through my teeth and his feedback relieved me. He said there was nothing wrong with my teeth and I just needed to wash them to remove the particles stuck in my gums.

We negotiated the price and I showed him my NYSC ID card so he could reduce the price for me. According to the rules of the National Youth Service Corps (Nysc), all corpers are to be given free treatment in any government hospital provided they go with their cards for identification. But this present economy has made them start collecting money but there would be a reduction, the same thing happened to me. When we had both agreed on the price to pay, he began the treatment.



It took him more than thirty minutes to remove the dirt stuck in my teeth and treat the upper and lower teeth. It was a nice experience afterwards. He wrote some drugs to use and some instructions to follow once I get home which will last for 3 days. I felt so relieved and the pain had ceased as I was typing this.

Many times we feel disappointed when our plans do not go as planned. Though I enjoyed this holiday since last week but on Sunday, my body system got disoriented. The pain affected me and I just couldn't do much work but sit on a spot while feeling sorry for myself and at the same time downcast. But after the treatment, I felt so relieved and ready to do what I couldn't do for some days.

All images belong to me

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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0.04361226 BEE

This just reminded me of my experience
It’s just interesting how small thing like tooth can just affect your body
I’m glad you’re fine though. Mine was when my wisdom tooth was coming. It was hell for me because it wasn’t getting space to come and it was growing and pressing against my jaw bone, so imagine the pain.

0E-8 BEE

Chai. I can imagine that. That force and the pressure it will bring ehn, that must be too hard and painful for you. Omo. Thank God I am okay now oo.

0E-8 BEE

Glad the doctor could help. Tooth pain is something that once it starts, you must pay attention to it. I had a similar experience but mine wasn't just cleaning, they had to remove the teeth as well 😫

0E-8 BEE

Geezz. Omo. Removing teeth? Eyy. I don't think I can stand the pain oo 🤣🤣 even washing this, I asked to confirm if it hurt and he said no. If not, I won't do it 😆

0E-8 BEE

Oh, tooth pain is unbearable, you can't even do anything when the pain starts. Thank goodness yours was a minimal case.

0E-8 BEE

Yes. It was a minimal one and felt relieved after the process.

0E-8 BEE

So sorry about your toothache, that's a very uncomfortable experience, thankfully you've taken steps to visit a dentist, I hope you are feeling okay.

Popped in from Dreemport, always an awesome #dreemerforlife

0E-8 BEE

Yes, I am feeling well now. Thank you, sis.

0E-8 BEE

So sorry you had to go through that, toothaches are always very horrible. I am glad you got it checked and that you are much better now.


0E-8 BEE

Yes. I am much better. Thank you 😊 💓

0E-8 BEE

You are welcome❤️

0E-8 BEE

Wow, the ground is red! 😮

0E-8 BEE