Love session with an amazing couple. Sit tight and enjoy!


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Woohoo!! Here comes the last challenge on LOVE from Dreemport for this month and this time around, we were told to find a couple that has been married for a long time, interview them and let's hear how the journey has been. I would have loved to interview my Grandma on this but she is already late. Perhaps if she had stayed a little while till this challenge happened. Lol

But....I found an amazing couple whom I spent some time with while interviewing him about his journey into marriage and how love has been the bedrock. There are a lot to learn from this amazing person and I am glad he allowed me and even permitted me to share his pictures online.

So, hey guys. I am your host for this session and I am Princessbusayo. Here with me is a wonderful guest I brought to the show. He is ready to share some tips with us. So, all I want you to do is grab some popcorn, perhaps some coffee so you don't get to sleep or feel too weak because we all gonna learn something.

Without wasting much of our time, I would gladly introduce Mr Olawale Oladoja on stage to share with us his journey. Oh sorry, he has an account on Hive which makes him a true Hivian just like us. He is no other person than @olawalium πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Mr Oladoja is a Nigerian who is now based in the U.K with his family, married to a phenomenal woman and has a little adorable kid called Dara. Check the sweetest couple and family ever with their love which keeps blossoming. Their marriage will clock 5 years tomorrow.


I have got some questions and you will be reading live answers from him. He has given me the go-ahead to share his love journey and experience on the blockchain, and guess what guys? You will be learning a lot from this man as he shares some dose of love with everyone out there.

So, Mr Oladoja, let's move straight to these questions for our readers to enjoy and be entertained with.

Drum rolls.....


Mr Oladoja: We met during an event organized by a mutual friend who happens to be my own Church member but the guy is a long-time friend of her. The guy created a WhatsApp group and it's from there everyone conversed. I didn't notice her until the day of the event when she anchored it.

She came from Lagos for the event and the event was in Ibadan. She didn't go back to Lagos after the event. She stayed back and was a first-timer in my Church. I saw her face for the second time that day and when the pictures of the first timer were released by the media, I saved it and sent it to her privately after picking her number from the group. The rest is history haha.

Mr Oladoja: My first impression of her was that she was very outspokenβ€” she still is. She's too energetic and she was all over the place. She was fearless, bold, sound, and fashionable and her smile could melt a heart made of stone. I saw how she was able to make things work. She was and still is, a good organizer.

Mr Oladoja: We built up the friendship first and we chat and speak a lot. The moment I knew she was the one was when I always had the burning desire to speak with her after I was done praying at night. Her thoughts always creep into my heart and I saw her for who she is; real, simple and I saw the wife in her even when she didn't see it in herself back then.


Mr Oladoja: We have quite a lot but I wouldn't single anyone out to be honest because every memory either good or bad gave us the leverage to get better and bond more. Every memory is unique and I have to admit that the collection of every memory is unique which makes it hard for me to pick any.

Mr Oladoja: Someone said that love is when you have to always say you are sorry and mean it. Marriage is like soup; everyone would add whatever they like to make it suit their taste. What you like in your stew might be different from what I like adding into mine but I would say that a successful marriage would be between a blind husband and a deaf wife. It means as a man, you have to overlook a lot of things and deal with her in love by explaining things, and as a wife, you have to ignore what everyone is saying and focus on what you can see, address what needs to be addressed and stop trying to fix what's not broken by projecting the problems of others in your marriage.


Mr Oladoja: Take your time. Marriage is a "crime" that requires two accomplices. It means you have to make your decisions together and stop involving others in your decisions. Take advice from others but it has to be what you both want that must be agreed on. Stop pointing fingers at each other when something goes wrong. Learn to be on the same page.

In my tribe, we always say: whoever says "I am not the one shamed but my friend" it's that person that actually lacks shame. It means when you hold someone dear, you suffer their mistakes with them and that's how to grow. We live in a world where everyone wants to pass blame and absolve themselves. The issue is, in marriage, you have to always present a unified front if not, you wouldn't stand a chance.

Mr Oladoja: Most people struggle with the idea of being married. Most people want to live single while still being married. The challenging part for me was that I like my space. I like being on my own but I had to understand that in marriage, it's not my space again but our space. I can have a "me" time but I still need to understand the feelings of my partner too. I had to learn how to include her and have her in my space. I had to make decisions and explain them which I wouldn't have done if I were single. What I am saying in short is, being married, your life isn't technically yours alone, you have to think about your partner in any decision you want to make.

(End of the interview.)

Oh wow...Did you just enjoy those answers? I do! These are inspiring tips about love and how to sustain one's relationship/marriage. One thing that is important before choosing a partner is to seek God first. Let Him choose for you because if you don't, then, the marriage won't last. This doesn't mean that when you allow God to choose for you, there won't be any issues. In every marriage, there are always disagreements, arguments, misunderstandings etc, but it would be easier to resolve them on time when your marriage is built on the foundation of Christ.

Another major thing that causes issues in marriage is that partners do not want to carry each other along. They have forgotten that the word 'single' has been changed. It is not about "you" anymore but "we". My pastor said something oneday while treating the concept of marriage in one of the Sunday school topics. He said, marriage is not "myself alone" but "ourselves". Everything you ever done as a single then has to stop once you get married because both of you are now one in Christ and things must be decided upon together.

Partners shouldn't decide and assume without involving the other party, such a marriage will collapse. Do things together. Share things. Fight together. Settle it together. I am not married yet, but I know some things about how to live happily in marriage. I pray that may God give us our partner who will care, nurture, look after us, and go miles with us. Amen.

I hope you have something to take away from this interview session. All pictures are for the interviewee and I have been permitted to post them.

Thanks for your time on my blog.


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0.28936257 BEE

Wow those questions are brilliant and the response 😍 I'm jealous of this amazing couple, they are admirable!

How they met though, that was hilarious and I couldn't stop smiling picturing it 😊

Keep that love blossoming, God's blessings upon you.

Well done out host 😌

0.00000254 BEE

They are admirable indeed. Yes, when I read how they met, I couldn't stop smiling and wishing mine should be awesome too. Lol
Thank you, my reader πŸ˜†

0E-8 BEE

I am impressed to see how you presented everything here. I wish I posted my entry after reading this one so that I could improve my presentation way πŸ˜….
Indeed they are sweet couple.

Take your time. Marriage is a "crime"

I am afraid to hear the line🀣.


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0E-8 BEE

Hahaha. Everyone got their way to make something out. I will check your post out once I leave here. They are sweet couple. Hahaha. You didn't read the rest....Marriage is a crime with two accomplices. Hehehe πŸ˜€
Don't be afraid. Marriage is amazing.

0E-8 BEE

You didn't read the rest....Marriage is a crime with two accomplices. Hehehe πŸ˜€

I read it but I chose to select till the Crime because it gave me interesting vibes🀣🀣. So it's a crime we need to do🀣.

0E-8 BEE
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0E-8 BEE

You delivered as usual. A very well done to you, KP... This is wonderfully put together and I love how you explained yourself and also made the interview more orderly.

0E-8 BEE

Thank you, KP. I am glad you enjoyed how I ordered it here. God bless you. Happy birthday to you πŸŽ‚ πŸ’›

0E-8 BEE

This is so nice, you really did well in analyzing this and breaking it down. It is amazing.

This interview was fun, haha and the host is very fun too.

I agree that one challenge is personal space and self time but understanding your partner is quite the key.


0E-8 BEE

Hahaha... the fun should spice the show up for the readers to enjoy too πŸ˜‚
Thank you for reading.

0E-8 BEE

Yay! πŸ€—
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0E-8 BEE

Thank you so much, @olawalium and Ecency.

0E-8 BEE

Oh...lovely message by Mr. Oladoja. He was active in another platform also I believe. He is a good poet I suppose. Also I like your concept about marriage. Very interesting question & answer sessikn my friend. I enjoyed a lot.

0E-8 BEE

Yes, I guess you know him. He is also active on other platforms too. Thank you for reading.

0E-8 BEE

Most welcome dear

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

Thanks for the support.

0E-8 BEE

Marriage is not children's play, all the i love you lies would be tested in that school. It takes something more than love to keep going. I love what the man said, as the secret to living in peace with your partner, being blind as a man and deaf as the wife. I will pen this down because it's very important. This marriage something God will help us.

#dreemerforlife #dreemport

0E-8 BEE

Yes, I love that part of the statement too. It's important as a man, to be blind and the wife, should be deaf. This will make a marriage work. It's not all about love alone. Thank you, Emreal.

0E-8 BEE

Smiles.. you are always welcome ma

0E-8 BEE

This was actually a really brilliant interview. Very well done, and also very insightful.

My biggest takeaway would be that not the same thing works for everyone, and therefore one needs to figure out their "soup" in their marriage with their partner, and together with their partner.

A shout out to Mr. Oladoja for blessing us with his experience and wisdom, and aslo the host for making this interview happen.

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0E-8 BEE

Yes, we all are different and what works for A may not work for B. Everyone needs to figure out what their soup is and know the kind of ingredients to make it spicy. Thank you, Jay.

0E-8 BEE

You interviewed the love chemical himself, haha. He has a wonderful family. I enjoyed the interview. I love the part where he said marriage is a crimeπŸ˜ƒ . So everyone who does treat his partner well should be in detention. Hahaha. Weldone

0E-8 BEE

The love chemical indeed πŸ˜†πŸ˜† he has a lovely family and I admire him for that.
Hehehe, marriage is a crime with two accomplices πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
Thank you ma.

0E-8 BEE

Thanks for sharing
I have added to my knowledge on marriage..

0E-8 BEE

You are welcome.

0E-8 BEE