

I want to use this medium to greet all great Hivers. How has been your day so far, hope you are all doing good? I'm positive minded that it's all well and fine.

It's recently I realised and experienced that no matter what is in existence must surely comes to an end no matter what. That's what life has thought me recently, nothing lasts forever;life, friendship, relationship, money, wealth, human etc. All of these come to an end expectedly or unexpectedly.

I came to realize that when you expect too much from people, it might restraint you from working hard on yourself. Literally, this might curb your self development. When one dwells too much on expecting rescue from people all the time without cultivating the habit to rescue yourself all the time. Mostly, this happens in every aspect of our lives, learning how to deal with issues on your own takes further than when you are being helped or rescued most of the time, this poses to discourage self development.

This triggers me to mention how difficult it's when one gets to success via a sectionalized manner. When this section turn their back on you, one could found it difficult to rise up again. That's why it's cool when one gets to success with varieties of people and not with sectionalized.

Dependency makes one feels too relax meaning since you are getting it on a platter of Gold one would feel relaxed not to work harder. I have been too dependent and that has led to my regress making it difficult for me progress. Too much dependency breeds unnecessary relaxation. It's like a building depending on many to stand on; cement, concrete, foundation, pillars etc let's assume the solidity of a house is only on the pillars and not on the other aspects of the house, the house could be dilapidated to the extent of not being renovated.

Thanks for stopping by to view my blog. Please do have a wonderful day ahead.@peterale cares🤭
