Season 107 Report - by @pero82



Hello everyone! Pozdrav svima!

I'm so excited to share with you last season report as it was my best season so far in my 1 year (and 3 months) long Splinterlands career.

But let's see first, what happened in the world of Splinterlands during this Season 107 which took part in second part of March 2023.

First update that went live in the second week of the season brought us the New Energy System, it took me by surprise because I found out about it just few days earlier. But it was most welcome surprise, at least to me.
The ECR system has been revamped to a simpler model (you can read all the details in this post):

  • Accounts now have limit of 50 energy
  • Regen rate is 1 energy per hour
  • One ranked battle costs 1 energy (except Novice league battles - they no longer cost energy)

Simple as that.

Another exciting thing happened on that update - Vruz Promo Card Sale. New promotional card, Vruz was on sale for users with at least 1k staked SPS. For every 1k SPS staked you could buy a copy of Vruz for 1 Voucher. Details can be found in this post.


Second update, week after the first one, marked one month (30 days) since the market expirations countdown timer started so the first cards that were on the market for more than 30 days, with no activity, were now removed. Going forward this will happen regularly once cards hit the 30 day mark with no activity.

Also, a new, very exciting ruleset has been introduced to the game - Are You Not Entertained?.


This ruleset allows players to play one additional Gladiator card in a match. (Here comes Quora!)

One more improvement in the game, more precisely in the tournaments. Additional prizes may now be automatically put into tournaments for distribution. Packs, Plots, and Totems can now be listed as tournament prizes for automatic distribution.

Very exciting couple of weeks, don't you agree?


During this season I managed to stake another 700 SPS bringing the total just above 5,5k staked SPS. If I didn't have to unstake some it last season to cover my renting expenses I would be well over 6k. USD value of my SPS portfolio also went up a bit (about $10) mostly because the market price went up (its $0.030 compared to $0.027 last season).


My goal is to keep staking as much SPS I can get my hands on and hopefully won't have to unstake anymore if renting market goes back to normal.


Last season I continued playing in Gold league and since I started the season in Gold 1 (having advanced to Diamond 2 at EOS season before) I had no trouble climbing the ranks and accumulating the chests. When the new Energy system kicked in I took advantage of it and did a lot of battles for two days (41 and 42 battles) getting 15 chests each of those days.

In the end I finished the season with decent 55% win rate and earned 59 diamond season chests, together with record breaking 163 daily chests (with and average of staggering 10.2 chests per day). With those numbers I was hoping for some amazing rewards.

On last day I was fighting to get to rating needed to advance to Diamond 2 so I can get reset to Gold 1 rating, but I finished just few points shy (3088). In all that fuss I forgot to advance to Diamond so I will be playing for Gold season chests next season and I will start from Gold 3 instead of Gold 2.

We'll see if that will bring me more luck then this season...


As you can see in the chart below, my SPS earnings were pretty constant during the whole season, with a huge jump in the end from EOS chest. Battle SPS is most often 4 to 5 times, or even 10 times higher then SPS rewards from chests.


My rating at the start of the season was holding steady first few days, I was having trouble with stronger players fighting their way up the ranks. On the fourth day I had a break and got few nice win streaks in couple next days and broke the 3000 rating mark. But didn't quite make it over 3100 rating (Diamond 2) to ensure a better start next season.



I hoped that diamond chests will reward me with some awesome GF legendary cards, even more so by collecting so many of them. Unfortunately I didn't get any Legendary cards, even my SPS reward was below Diamond chest average.
So this is what I got from my 59 diamond season chests:


I can't really complain on the number of cards I got, especially with 2 GF Epic, but I was a bit disappointed on number of packs I got and SPS total.


For the ones that like numbers, I made a recap of the whole season.

DEC earned from rentals7,566.567
SPS earned from battles96.852
SPS earned from chests62.974
DEC spent on rentals and fees8,211.685
PROFIT (DEC)-645.118
PROFIT (SPS)159.826

Total DEC income from rentals is much lower then it used to be, mostly due to me having to do manual listing and updating of the prices, because @splinterrents had to temporary shut their service down to adopt to new rental fees. It was still a bit better then the season before where I had more then 2k DEC deficit - my rentals were a bit better this season and I cut down on the renting in. All of this resulted with me being at 600 DEC deficit, but I earned 50% more SPS then last season.


It is so much easier to track your earning now with the new Currency Activity feature in-game, kudos to Splinterlands developer team for making this happen.


I explained how to use this feature, export it to Excel and do the calculations with the data in one of my previous posts. If you missed it, you can find it in the link below:

Track Your Splinterlands Earnings using Currency Activity


And finally, for the ones that like to look at the pretty card pictures (like me) I will show you my whole season recap of chest winnings - record breaking 219 chests (59 diamond chests and 160 gold chests). 😍


In the end this was a decent month, more SPS and CL packs then the month before. Here is the recap in numbers:

Common RegularCommon Gold Foil
Rare RegularRare Gold Foil
Epic RegularEpic Gold Foil
Legendary RegularLegendary Gold Foil
Legendary PotionsAlchemy Potions
Chaos Legion Packs


This was a month of Monster March madness on where streamers were handing out 5 card per stream. There were many Gold Foil Legendary card out for grabs with GF Llama being the most valuable one.

I was lucky enough to win a couple of cards on the LAST day (won only 1 Cruel Sethropod before that), with GF Tarsa being one them!


Thank you @splinterlandstv and see you in Ape-in April where there will be GFL Summoners, some Dice legendaries including an Epona, 100 GF Vruz, and 2000 regular foil Vruz up for grabs!


Big shout out to @deadzy for making this beautiful splintershare site, where you can see all your chest rewards for last couple of months and easily share it with your fiends and family.

Also, I have to mention guys from @splinterrents. Without their rental service I wouldn't be able to manage my rentals, have time to play AND make awesome blog posts. I highly recommend this service! (when they come back online) 👍

And this last screenshot, the season summary, was made on site.


If you still haven't tried Splinterlands try it out 👉 HERE 👈

Thank you for your time, and please vote if you like this post. 👍

