A Rich heart may be under a poor coat


Their have being a lot of understanding about how we judge people or see people recently, many of this ideology are as a result of teaching and knowledge instinct in most of us.

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Their this saying that “first impression last long.” some people actually adhere to it, having this understanding that people are truly what they look like at times can be very disheartening.

Growing up, I had this understanding that quiet people are the best people in life, well, I was scammed because I fell for their silent on most occasion, but as time went on I got to know that people are truly who they are based on character.

In our today's world, most people judge people from afar based on what they think in their head, but as time goes on have being made to know that “A Rich heart may be under a poor coat”, today will have numerous outspoken people who some people tend to see as talkative to be the best kind of people who should be around.

Their is nothing as good as getting close to people to actually know who they are, good-looking face doesn't mean the heart is also as good as the face is, people have being seriously dealt with or even put themselves in problems today, just because they fell for the facial look without getting to know more about the individual personality at first.

Their is this friend I can't forget while growing up, just because his not too handsome, people tend to call him name's, have seen occasions where people tag him with various sort of crimes in my Villa back then, but eventually it ends up that those who don't even think of are those behind all the atrocity committed in our villa.

Judging people base on their facial look is something we should all restrict from as it doesn't end up well on most occasions. It's significant that we know that when we judge people base on their looks, we aren't considering that they might be going through a tough time too.

The biggest danger attached to this act is that, it stops us from seeing anything good in such individual, which might have a bad effect on our peace too, the moment your mind is not in good shape with people it has more negative effect on you and might lead to stress too.

So, we must rather get close to people and give them a chance to prove who they are instead of staying afar judging them base on their appearance.

Here is my entry to the #contest


The caption alone explains it well, most times we under rate people based on how the appear not knowing the value they carry


Definitely and that is the biggest damage we do to ourselves on most occasion


Look can be deceiving, there are lot of people whose look are so innocent but they are pro in a certain aspect do we should take time to know them well before judging


Definitely, that's why getting close to people to know who is who is vital


Very vital and should not be underrated
