Make Sense


As I have said many times before I am not the most routine orientated person, especially things I do not really see a use for like eating, making my bed and basically anything that will just interrupt me.

Obviously I get that I have to do some stuff, but that is the same as saying oh smile at customers. Really, is that a requirement? I doubt that, I doubt my smile makes a diff any a single humans day, and if it does they have bigger problems.

Anyway, I do however need to establish some form of trigger system for my days now, since well it use to be simple, wakeup , go to work, get home, stay awake because tomorrow is work, give in, go to sleep, wakeup , go to work.

Now I don't have that, and any work I have I actually want to do aside from some tedious things but the tedious things are still infinitely better than I had, then there is my procrastination super power, and given a whole day free... Yeah this is a battle for the ages and the only thing that will sway it in my favour will be some kind of system.

I don't think it needs to be anything like those stupid Youtube videos that say oh you have to wake up at 5am , instead it can be simple changes like maybe not drinking a gallon of coffee in the last hours because even if it shit coffee I still will get up to pee at least 2 times in the first 2 hours of sleep.

You know the second time is just your bladder being an asshole.

So I will continue to implement sensible habits for a good start to my day and a good end and see how the ball rolls then when it comes to managing my new found hours.


You'd be surprised how much a stranger's smile can affect your day, so please keep smiling at customers!


i agree with @robsteady... a smile can affect everything. and maybe they do have bigger problems... but sometimes the smile can bring a person to their knees. so yes... keep smiling.

as far as your schedule.. hehehe i know this year is going to be magical for you. locusts, be damned. lol and I was going to say that this morning too... about the coffee hehehe.

when you feel the tired coming... let it come. Don't coffee it away - because it will only add to the groggy the next day! Tomorrow is another day, and despite what you think - you are really very diligent to get things done. I think you'll keep dialing it in.

This year... it's got your name all over it 😊
