
Have you ever noticed how a simple "thank you" has the power to turn someone's day around? How appreciating someone can make a meaningful impact on both the giver and receiver. We are just so busy trying to put things together or make ends meet that we sometimes tend to overlook the importance of gratitude and thankfulness. In as much we have a busy life,we shouldn't forget to show appreciation to those who deserves it.

Expressing appreciation or gratitude is more than just saying thank you,it involves genuinely acknowledging efforts and kindness shown by others to us. Whether it's a friend who was there for us during our tough times,a family member who was there in times of your needs or even a colleague at work who assisted you with one or two projects.

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Taking your time to show them appreciation cam make a whole lot of difference.A thank you note,a small gift or even a sincere verbal appreciation and gratitude can brighten their day and strengthen the relationships. Also taking moment to appreciate the little things in our lives and acknowledging the blessings that God has given us, these can bring us more joy and happiness.Below are some quotes that will motivate us about gratitude and thankfulness

Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.”
—William Faulkner

Let's make more effort in showing gratitude and thankfulness.We have all heard the popular saying
"Appreciation is an application for more". When we express our gratitude to others it enables them to do same for us and also inspiring them to do more for us creating this space for genuine positivity and kindness.

This is my entry to the Dreemport collaboration with the Thoughtfuldailypost community and I'm in it with my partner @merit.ahama

Thanks for reading!
