Our Pick - Reading Suggestions for May 29th

The OurPick encouragement program is part of the @Liotes ecosystem where quality posts are curated and authors are encouraged to continue with the content creation adding value to specific communities, and Hive in general...

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Occasionally, we will pick a couple of awesome posts that we find interesting and will suggest them for your further reading... We hope that it will help authors as an additional promotion... We support creators with our upvotes in Hive, but also in other tribe tokens! These Hive-Engine tribes give additional value to the whole ecosystem and help authors and curators follow their niches and dreams...

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Frequent Flyer's Experience by @godfish


Thanks for sharing this interesting read!! I don't travel as often as you, but I have to admit that it is the best way of transport for long distances! I do have a child, but I am annoyed by children on board sometimes... Better said, annoyed by parents who don't know how to handle their own children... 😃 On my last flight from Hamburg, I found a perfect solution for that problem, earbuds... Nothing is better than listening to relaxing music while flying! :)

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Three Tune Tuesday - Birthday boy! #2 - O aniversariante do dia! #2/ [En-Pt] by @xrayman


Roland has an amazing talent and yeah, Good Thing has such an uplifting vibe to it! I also really love their first single Johnny Come Home and the cover version of Ever Fallen In Love. Roland is totally awesome.

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Hive open mic week 216/∆\ MY LOVE FOR YOU cover by @chidistickz


Bravo brother! Always so musical and with a good vibe that is contagious through the screens. There were many nuances in your voice that I enjoyed here, especially the eventual lows you do, they really surprised me. The highs I already know and have always loved, congrats on a great job!

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[PT-BR/EN] My dream of living in the city of Gramado by @shiftrox


When I look at these pictures, I definitely think I'm somewhere in Europe and not in Brazil

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Weekend from hills to underwater by @vittoriozuccala


You have walked us from the mountains to the bottom of the sea!! I found the small churches very curious, what strikes me the most is the architecture between bricks and stones, it gives them a unique appearance. Diving is an activity that I would like to try at least once in my life, although my ears are very delicate and I don't think that will help me. 😅

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If you want to help in project growth, you can delegate HivePower to the @liotes.voter account that upvotes quality posts on Hive. All delegators receive daily returns paid in LEN tokens for their support! Currently, we are paying more than 100% of curation rewards!

You can also use these predefined links to delegate HP using Hivesigner:

50 HP100 HP500 HP1000 HP

Thanks to donations of @melinda010100 and @good-karma, we will reward authors with an additional 50 Ecency POINTS!

👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

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Ourpick curators: @achim03, @ph1102, @mypathtofire, @jesuslnrs, and @palomap3!


Thanks for curating my post :)


You are always welcome! I like your style! 😃


Thank you so much for the mention and for the 50 Ecency POINTS!


Ecency points rewards are sent out! Thanks for creating excellent content!
