Splinterlands - Returning to Modern League!


Hello everyone! It's Thursday blogging day, so here I am with another Splinterlands blog post, today I'm making a new post for this weeks Social Media Challenge, and the theme let us have some creativity again, it's nice to be able to just talk about anything Splinterlands related, and boy there are enough amazing things to talk about, in my opinion every townhall is amazing with the team changing course for the better and see how excited they are themselves, hearing Nate talk (or just ramble 😂) about everything about Splinterlands just makes you excited, I'm glad they're so dedicated and while we still have a lot of work to do a lot of great steps are being made, the most amazing thing for me since the return of this theme has been that FINALLY a good anti bot farm measure is being introduced, and this will probably fix a lot for Splinterlands, the problem with the bot accounts and wild league was that they bought the spellbook once, and maybe some cards - but I also see a lot of bot accounts that play with soulbound cards only now, they acquired by renting decks a few seasons, this way they could keep extracting value from the system without ever contributing anything again, also if this is just 0.05 SPS for every win it gets, multiply this with thousands of accounts and you see where the problem is.

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So the solution to this is going to be, Wild League is going to cost 2000 DEC per account to be able to play for that season while Modern is going to be free, with this, low level bot farms won't be generating any profit anymore but they will COST the owner money to play so they will probably get inactive.

I was botting a few (three) low level accounts myself too, but I once started them as normal accounts and later switched them to be handled by the bot so that I could focus on playing my main, so for me this is a change also but one that I'm happy about for sure!
So when I started playing, I made two accounts for myself (nozem and nozem01) and two accounts for my daughters (stella16 and mightyluna) but as the game evolved it got too hard for younger kids so they stopped and I let the bot handle them while I upgraded my main account to Gold and passed my alt to the bot too.

  • For my main, nothing changed besides the 2k DEC I need to pay when I want to fight in wild which I probably will do because more cards means more fun, and without all bot farms the earnings from wild will probably be higher also.
  • For mightyluna, I stopped the bot, this account will now play brawls only to help our not so active second guild fill frays.
  • For stella16, my daughter actually resumed playing Splinterlands again, she is almost 11 y/o and really understanding the tactics now and enjoys the depth in strategy (and pwning others with gladiators lol) So this account has become fully active again and I'm sending her $5 every month she can spend on cards to build out her deck - she already made a wish list! 😍 and while she struggles a bit in modern, which will probably get fixed by more players switching from Wild, she's doing very good in Wild:


Because of the changes, I decided to revive my alt again, upgrade it a bit where needed and start fighting in low modern again since it only has a Bronze deck with some higher level soulbound summoners.
For the time being, until Modern has enough human players the Splinterlands team activated a small army of liquidity bots to counter the problem low level players where facing; the majority of active accounts in Modern are very high or max level decks lower accounts didn't have a chance against, and it actually works!


After climbing from the low ratings I'm now fighting a mix of human players and liquidity bots so I am able to win and earn again (pretty much I might add) on this account, and the most important thing: it's fun again!

So, what is a Splinterlands post without a battle, right!? So here is a battle from my alt I just played, against a higher level opponent with some pretty nice cards, and I still won with my budget account - it's missing most expensive legendary cards, maybe I'll add them later. 🙂

The battle I want to share for this post is recent one, actually, you can see it in the picture above this one, it's the battle against Possibilus the Wise! This battle is 40 mana, in the Modern League with only one ruleset: Aim True, the only splinters we could choose from are Water, Earth and Death. Because water mainly relies on speed, this was a bad option for me because dodging attacks isn't possible now, so I figured I better protect myself against attacks with a nice tank while not focus on speed but instead, just hit hard, and a lot!

First look at the battlefield:


Well my opponent didn't agree with me Water wasn't the best option, but damn, it's a strong team! I don't have Possibilus on this account but I really like playing him on my main, the tramples can shred trough an entire team FAST! Seeing this I wish I had brought Queen Mycelia to give protect and stop the trampling when it occurs...

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Immortalis - reason: Void, Shatter.
  • First position: Mycelic Infantry - reason: Shield, and Void because of Immortalis, annoying combo to get trough.
  • Second position: Goblin Psychic - reason: Tank Heal.
  • Third position: Ureaus - reason: Good damage, low mana sneaker.
  • Fourth position: Scavo Hireling - reason: Repair the tank's armor, receive Weapon Training.
  • Fifth position: Ava the Daunted - reason: Weapons Train adjacent cards.
  • Sixth position: Clockwork Aide - reason: Sneak protection, the extra speed wasn't a thing for me now because of the ruleset, but because of the high armor and only 4 mana it was the best choice.

The Battle:


Round 1: Shatter is such a nice ability! Diemon Shark already got killed, but damn, my tank got poisoned by Dr. Blight... I'm doing a lot more damage though so I think I'm alright.


Round 2: Jikes! my tank died, and I don't really have a nice follow up while Nerissa has a lot of HP to get trough... the Psychic will die from poison at the end of the round, this is going to be close!


Round 3: Wow, both sides are very weak now, but as long as Dr. Blight's poison doesn't proc he isn't doing any damage because of the void, not as long as the martyr doesn't boost him that is.


Round 4: Just in time, with only 1 HP left on Ureaus, Blight got killed, it's a win!


You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

The glint is actually quite bad in Modern, but the SPS earnings are pretty nice for low level accounts, actually, my main account isn't much higher at around 1400 rating, apparently that's where a lot of max level account are still lurking, so this probably need some time to get fully fixed and the Wild League needs the 2k DEC payment which I think gets active after the end of this season.

That's it for this post, I'm back to ranked battles on my alt while I'm waiting for the new Battle Mage Secrets Challenge to get posted, I hope to see you on the next post, or in battle!

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Are you looking for Tier 5 brawl guild? THE GUILD OF NEOXIAN looking for brawl players who have good win ratio on brawls. If you are interested then join our Discord & Let our Guild officer xawi know that you are interested for guild brawl participation and Also Don't Forgot to Checkout our BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase & Participate into our Daily giveaway to win various prize. Best of Luck 😉



500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

