Weekend-Engagement topics-WEEK 192: People are guided by physical appearances.


In today's society, it is increasingly common to find people who, unfortunately, value how they look physically more than any other aspect of their personality. The cult of the body, the search for aesthetic perfection and the obsession with following certain beauty standards have reached a point where many people feel pressured and even inferiorized if they do not meet those established criteria.

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This is reflected daily on social networks, where thousands of influencers and celebrities are constantly sharing their seemingly perfect lives and generating a sense of dissatisfaction in those who do not look or feel equally spectacular. Platforms like Instagram, for example, are filled with edited photos, retouched bodies and carefully selected lives to showcase only the most memorable moments. This creates an unrealistic and distorted illusion of reality, and leads people to constantly compare themselves to these unattainable models of beauty.


This obsession with physical appearance also has a negative impact on people's self-esteem and mental health. The constant bombardment of images promoting slim bodies, toned muscles and perfect faces generates a feeling of insecurity and anxiety in those who are unhappy with their own appearance. This can lead to depression, low self-esteem and even eating disorders, as they seek to achieve a body image that is unrealistic and unhealthy.

In addition, this insistence on physical appearance also affects society as a whole. It is promoting the idea that a person's value lies in how he or she looks externally, rather than emphasizing other qualities such as intelligence, honesty or empathy. This mentality creates a superficiality in human relationships, where people are judged and valued primarily on their physical appearance rather than their inner qualities.


The exaggerated importance given to physical appearance in today's society is something that honestly bothers me. Superficiality and obsession with following unattainable beauty standards generate frustration, dissatisfaction and anxiety in many people. In addition, this negatively affects self-esteem and mental health, while at the same time devaluing other important qualities of people. It is necessary to promote a culture that values and celebrates diversity, authenticity and self-esteem beyond appearance.

This is my participation in the Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 192 Link Here suggested by @galenkp.

Is there something currently popular in society that really annoys you? What is it and why does it annoy you? Remember to use your own photos.

A pleasure to greet you all, I look forward to reading great posts from the community. An honor to share my ideas with you. Have a great weekend. !

All the pictures are my own and were taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone.

The collage is by my authory and was made with the Canva Graphic Editor.

0.03909342 BEE

I think you're right, we've been bombarded by social media with cute or retouched people with filters and supposedly perfect lives. That's why you have to know that reality is not even half of what is shown and that you have to be authentic.

0.00083223 BEE

Simplicity and naturalness, and above all not to be afraid of what others think of us, we must live our life according to what we want, not as the deems dictate us. Thank you very much for your visit.

0E-8 BEE

This is very well said Nelson. People now mainly hide behind screens and show you what they want you to see. This often becomes a false impression of what truly that person is. They become just surface but what truly matter is skin deep.

Thank you for sharing.

0.00080488 BEE

Thank you for visiting me. We must be aware of what our true personality is and be original, also we should not judge others because they are not fashionable or because they do not follow the current trends.

0.00160893 BEE

Agreed. Especially the part where people get judge when they don't follow the current trend, I see many get affected by this especially on social media.

0E-8 BEE