At Hive Learners we learn, interact and develop our skills as good Hiveans.


During my participation in the Hive Learners Featured Edition contest, I have learned valuable lessons that have contributed to my personal and professional growth in the blockchain.

In the blockchain I have developed skills that I didn't even know I had and publishing helps me to develop my ideas in a more fluid and entertaining way.


Photo by Hitesh Choudhary in Unsplash

Through this experience, I have made significant achievements in this revolutionary technology, while facing and overcoming several mistakes and misunderstandings. Although I had some doubts at the beginning about how to approach this platform, it has been an enriching experience that has allowed me to achieve significant accomplishments.

Participating in an outstanding editing contest on Hive Learners has been an enriching experience that has provided me with valuable lessons. Through this essay, I want to share some of the most important lessons I have learned during my participation in this contest.

The first lesson I would like to highlight is the importance of perseverance and discipline. In order to participate in the contest, it is necessary to dedicate time and effort; it is not enough to want to do well, you have to really commit to the process. Throughout the different stages of the contest, I have learned to be constant in my dedication and to discipline my time effectively in order to meet the established deadlines.


Photo by My Profit Tutor in Unsplash

In addition, the contest has learned me the importance of collaboration and teamwork. During the contest, I have had the opportunity to receive constructive feedback from my fellow community members.

During my participation in the contest, I have faced challenges and obstacles that have led me to question myself and doubt my abilities. However, I have learned to persist and overcome these obstacles, motivated by the desire to improve and learn. This experience has taught me that perseverance and determination are key to achieving our goals and overcoming our limitations. Despite the obstacles and falls I am able to reach the proposed objectives.


In blockchain you have to understand the importance of interaction and collaboration with other users. In the beginning, I used to believe that I could work in isolation, focusing only on my own publications and projects. However, I realized that the real strength of this community lies in the synergy between users. Through participation in different groups and communities, I have been able to establish connections, share knowledge and receive constructive feedback. This has allowed me to improve my writing skills and generate higher quality content.


Throughout my blockchain journey I have also made mistakes that have taught me valuable lessons. One of the most common mistakes was posting content without paying enough attention to detail or doing thorough research. This led to my posts being less accurate and thus less useful to readers. To overcome this issue, I have learned to take the time to research, verify information and proofread my posts several times before sharing them. Quality content is key to achieving success on the blockchain.

Another misconception I used to have was that I needed to publish with a high frequency to achieve success on the blockchain. I believed that the higher the quantity of publications, the greater the recognition and reward. However, I realized that quality is more important than quantity. It is preferable to post less frequently, but offering valuable and relevant content. I have learned to focus on creating content that brings value to the community and generates interaction with readers.

At the same time, I also understood that patience and perseverance are key to achieving my blockchain goals. At first, I expected to get results quickly and was frustrated when I didn't see the fruits of my efforts right away. However, as I learned, I realized that building a solid reputation and achieving success in the blockchain takes time and dedication. I learned to be consistent, to keep learning and improve day by day.



The Hive Learners Featured Edition contest has taught me valuable lessons about the importance of collaboration, quality content and patience in blockchain. Through my achievements and mistakes I have managed to grow in both knowledge and skills, and I now have a better understanding of how to navigate this digital world to create valuable content and gain recognition.

This is my participation in the second topic dedicated to Celebrating the 100th week of featured weekly editions:

100 Weeks Of Lessons.

Tell us about the lessons you've learned during the course of the Featured Edition Contest. Tell us about your achievements on the blockchain, tell us the mistakes you've made and how you've managed to overcome them. Also, tell us about misconceptions you used to have, how did you get on the right track?

Greetings to all, I hope you have as much fun as I do writing on these important dates for our community!

The Collage was made with the graphic design program Canva, and except for the image taken from my own photo.

This is the main image of the collage


Foto de Fab Lentz en Unsplash

This image is my own and was taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone, from which I extracted the image of myself using Clipping Magic image editing software.


0.38465192 BEE

Moments of doubts will definitely come and there will be times when we doubt our abilities but all that's needed is for us to get back to the drawing board and restrategize and not get weakened by them.
Making quality prompts and positive criticisms from our readers helps us keep developing and that's what the community offers us.

You're doing great sir and I enjoyed reading your blog

0.00082748 BEE

I think that criticism is always good, it helps us to improve our publications, correct us and make us realize which are our limitations to overcome them and to help each other, editing and effort give its fruits.

0E-8 BEE

Exactly... it brings the best in us

0E-8 BEE

Your dedication to not only improving your own skills but also engaging and collaborating with the community is commendable @nbarrios67

We have chosen this post to be curated by MCGI Cares Hive community. We are inviting you to join our community that study the words of God. You can also follow our official Youtube Channel. Keep doing the great job ❤️

0.00082668 BEE

Thats the goal of the community, and that's why I think that we have that name! All of us are continuous learners.!!

0.00081549 BEE

You are right, here learning is dynamic, we always realize that there is something new and that there are different points of view on the same subject.

0E-8 BEE

For one to be consistent with the weekly prompt one really need to be persistent, if you are the type that gives up easily you won't last long here. The weekly prompt has transformed so much in our lives, all thanks to hive learners community

0.00041382 BEE