My very first food collage approach


So eager to share my first try on taking a deeper dive into collaging, with food.

Now, you don’t have to go to the market and buy fancy products. You can first experiment with whatever you’ve already got in your fridge or in your garden, leaves, grass anything that looks attractive to capture. When you’re picking your elements, have in mind: the textures, the colours: bold or soft, size: big or small. After you have all your elements gathered don’t just yet imagine the final shot and be ready to adjust, add or remove. Keep an open mind.
And keep it simple, as we aim for a minimalist touch.
I combined both fruits and vegetable with a touch of sweet, the gummy bears and some tiny flowers.
For inspiration, you can search on Pinterest for "Food collage" section.

Shooting location:
The shot is made on my kitchen table, and since it’s white it was perfect for the mood I was going for anyway, minimalist. But you can choose whatever other surface you have at hand, marble can be a great choice, a blackboard or a simple piece of cardboard. Although my recommendation is to keep the background as simple as possible as we don’t want it to distract from our main subject, which is the food.
You can either take the picture outside or inside by a natural light source, like a window. I had to move the table by the window for this (only to discover that it’s a way better spot for it, so I’ll probably keep it there from now on. So glad this project came with my kitchen restyling)

Styling: I first laid down in a symmetrical way the small leaves and flowers, then added in between the bigger pieces.

Then I added the 5 orange slices for a bigger visual impact:


Now, when styling your elements try to play, move things closer together or move them apart but keeping a relatively similar distance, and don’t have too many elements that are the same too close to one another.
[If you plan on having oranges slices, be aware that it can get juicy, so tap it with a piece of paper to keep it all nice and clean.]
Take multiple shots with different angles and have fun.
