Daniel Danoskie N
Crypto addict. Hive tutorial master. Hive to Naira trader (only for Nigerians living in Nigeria)
50.91637492 BEE
Vote Value
0.00421474 BEE
Jesús Tiano
A fool that dreams of blockchains and self-sustained financial stability, father of one, in a trial period as "husband" for my fiancée, let's see if I make it, doing my best every day. About the way, I see life: unbiased, childish, and full of joy. As once said by Zaratustra: "Good thoughts, Good Words, and Good deeds"
1.38987525 BEE
Vote Value
0.00011505 BEE
Samantha Smith
Travelling this journey we call life, striving to enjoy the moments. Mountains are my happy place; my family and friends, my rocks. Dreemer for life.
41.40299524 BEE
Vote Value
0.00342725 BEE
A passion for stacking silver & gold, home-cooking, travel, and musings. Founder of Ladies of Hive.
2.20298112 BEE
Vote Value
0.00018236 BEE
Witness - Founder of Ecency, Hivesigner, Hivesearcher, Hivexplorer
0.00124911 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000010 BEE
You love something set it free! Join immutable, uncensored, rewarding communities! https://ecency.com
8.0552614 BEE
Vote Value
0.00066680 BEE