I choose freedom of expression!

Making a decision that involves choosing between the fundamental rights we have can be a complex and even provocative thought. Faced with the choice between freedom of expression or the right to privacy, my choice would undoubtedly be freedom of expression. My choice is for a path where the words of my mouth cannot be silenced or censored, freedom of expression is one of the greatest assets a person could have and I wouldn't give it up, even if my privacy didn't exist, which we all know, hardly anyone has their freedom fully protected these days. I believe that this choice reflects my belief in the importance of each person's expression in building a better, more democratic and open society.

I can say that freedom of expression is not just a right like any other, but a force that is capable of moving the progress of a nation or even of civilization and if we are silenced, how are we going to fight against what is imposed against us? If I have to keep quiet in order to have my privacy, I would never be able to join forces to fight against this imposition and even if I had privacy, how would I move other people to fight?


By choosing this right, I would be compromising part of my privacy in favor of a more active participation in the social scene. Accepting that my words and actions are in the public eye may mean giving up some aspects of my personal life, but it's a trade-off I'd be willing to make in the name of my freedom of expression.

Of course, any of these choices I make would affect my life in various ways. If I chose privacy, I could stay in my corner and accept what others say and do without being able to express myself, without being able to show my discontent, regardless of the situation. I'd have to put up with all the impositions without being able to do anything about it, but if I were omitted, I could lead my life more calmly, but that's not how I'd like my life to be.

When I choose to have freedom of expression but not my privacy, I show that I am willing to fight and move society to fight against the conditions we are living in. However, this choice would also imply dangerous exposure. Every opinion and position I take would be subject to public scrutiny. Privacy would be partly sacrificed, making me more vulnerable to criticism and analysis from others and also from those who have imposed such conditions. Resilience would be required.

Still within this defense of freedom of expression, if I opted for privacy, there would be an impoverishment of culture. Art would be reduced and we would suffer without being able to express our creativity, entertainment would be in shades of gray and we would be sadder people.


And I could even say that if the lack of privacy were imposed on everyone, without exception, there would be some positive points. Imagine that it would be much more difficult for politicians to be corrupt, people would have to measure every step, so dishonest and dirty actions could be reduced. People would certainly think very carefully when doing anything wrong and we would still have the freedom of expression to take action against those who break the rules. Things could even be more transparent.

Ultimately, I think this would be an uncomfortable choice, but there are good things to be gained from a lack of privacy. Of course, it wouldn't be easy to live with, but of all the evils, I'd choose the lesser one that's easier to deal with and that wouldn't jeopardize my chances of fighting the other. It may be that the lack of privacy would pose difficult obstacles, but just accepting such a situation would not be in my plans, so freedom of expression is necessary!


Translated: Deepl
Cover: created by Canva.
Image Thumbnail: Freepick


Tomar uma decisão que envolve escolher entre os direitos fundamentais que nós temos pode ser um pensamento complexo e até mesmo provocador. Diante da escolha entre liberdade de expressão ou direito à privacidade, a minha opção seria sem dúvidas pela liberdade de expressão. A minha escolha é por um caminho onde as palavras da minha boca não podem ser caladas ou censuradas, a liberdade de expressão é um dos maiores bens que uma pessoa poderia ter e eu não abriria mão disso, mesmo que minha privacidade não existisse, o que bem sabemos, dificilmente alguém tem sua liberdade resguardada totalmente nos dias de hoje. Eu acredito que essa escolha reflete a minha crença na importância que a expressão de cada pessoa tem na construção de uma sociedade melhor, mais democrática e aberta.

Posso dizer que a liberdade de expressão não é apenas um direito como outro qualquer, mas sim uma força que é capaz de mover o progresso de uma nação ou mesmo da civilização e se fomos silenciados, como vamos lutar contra o que é imposto contra nós? Se eu devo me calar para ter a minha privacidade, eu nunca conseguiria unir forças para lutar contra essa imposição e mesmo que eu tivesse a privacidade, como comoveria outras pessoas para essa luta?


Ao escolher esse direito, estaria comprometendo parte da minha privacidade em prol de uma participação mais ativa no cenário social. Aceitar que minhas palavras e ações estão sob o olhar público pode significar uma renúncia a alguns aspectos da minha vida pessoal, mas é uma troca que eu estria disposto a fazer em nome da minha liberdade de expressão.

Claro que qualquer uma dessas escolhas que eu fizesse afetaria a minha vida de várias maneiras. Se eu escolhesse a privacidade eu poderia ficar quieto no meu canto e aceitar o que outros falam e fazem calado, sem poder me expressar, sem poder demonstrar meu descontentamento, independente de qual situação fosse. Eu teria que aguentar todas as imposições sem poder fazer nada, mas se eu fosse omisso, poderia levar a vida com mais tranquilidade mas não é assim que eu gostaria que fosse a minha vida.

Quando eu opto por ter a liberdade de expressão mas não ter minha privacidade, eu mostro que estou disposto a lutar e comover a sociedade para lutar contra as condições que estamos vivendo. Porém, essa escolha também implicaria em uma exposição perigosa. Cada opinião e posicionamento, eu estaria sujeito à escrutínio público. A privacidade seria sacrificada em parte, tornando-me mais vulnerável à crítica e à análise alheia e também a aqueles que impuseram tais condições. Seria necessário resiliência.

Ainda dentro dessa defesa de liberdade de expressão, se eu optasse por privacidade, existiria um empobrecimento de cultura. A arte seria reduzida e iríamos sofrer sem poder expressar a criatividade, o entretenimento seria em tons de cinza, seríamos pessoas mais tristes.


E eu ainda poderia afirmar que se a falta de privacidade fosse imposta a todos, sem exceção, existiria até alguns pontos positivos. Imagine que seria muito mais difícil a corrupção dos políticos, as pessoas iriam ter que medir cada passo, então as ações desonestas e sujas poderiam ser reduzidas. Com toda certeza as pessoas iriam pensar muito bem ao fazer qualquer coisa errada e ainda teríamos a liberdade de expressão para cobrar contra aqueles que infringem tais regras. As coisas até poderiam ser mais transparentes.

Por fim, acredito que essa seria uma escolha desconfortável, mas pode ser extraído coisas boas da falta de privacidade. Claro que não seria fácil conviver com isso, mas de todos os males eu escolho o menor e mais fácil de lidar e que não implicaria contra a minha chance de lutar contra a outra. Pode ser que a falta de privacidade colocaria obstáculos difíceis, mas apenas acatar uma situação dessas não estaria nos meus planos, portanto, é necessário ter liberdade de expressão!


Translated: Deepl
Cover: created by Canva.
Image Thumbnail: Freepick


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Everyone wants freedom of expression but sadly the world we live in no longer supports it in some ways, many are being punished for just word of mouth. I guess you're making the right choice!


We were only thought in school that we have the right to express ourselves where as it is not true from the outside. Which means freedom of privacy makes it more easier for us because we have our own right, so it is left for us to say something with or against, it left for us to contribute, we decide to say something or mind our businesses which is the right thing to do most at times since we don't have freedom of expression anymore and whatever we say might be use against us.


I stand with you to say I CHOOSE FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION over my privacy. Because if there is no freedom of expression,a nation or community won't be able to make progress.


Art is expression on itself and removing freedom of expression means removing art. No more space for creating new ideas and expressing ones feeling in creative ways. A compromise with personal privacy is a small price to pay if you can express everything whether it was about a controversial issue or something you enjoy.


I think one of the key takeaways from this discussion is that this is a very complex task because each of these rights can be complex beyond measures. Haha.

However, you still got to make a choice and I concur with it. I've seen instances where intelligent people had to play dumb because they are scared of getting deplatformed for saying the truth. I wouldn't want that to be my everyday life.

So, freedom of Speech wins it for me.


We need to be able to express ourselves in everything that we do
It is very important
I'm glad you chose well


Freedom of speech is a good choice but it depends on the type of country you are based in, what is the essence of talking only to get me killed?

Even a simple protest in my country, an officer might even shot them.

But it is a very nice thing to express yourself, let people know what you want and not to let your voice be trampled upon.

I enjoy reading


I understand that in some places it is really dangerous to express yourself, but the power is in our voice, staying silent will not take us to a better place. Thanks for your opinion!
