Geeky cans!



This week, there is a geek event happening at the shopping mall near where I live. I made a quick visit to see some of the things they have there, and although I didn't get too excited, I ended up finding some cool stuff. I believe it will be livelier over the weekend, but today it was not very crowded.

Despite the fewer people, I really liked the soda cans I saw there. I noticed cans featuring various designs, including my favorites, which are Dragon Ball and Pokémon. I was tempted to buy some to add to my can collection, but they were quite expensive; I can buy them much cheaper online.

In addition to the cans, there were other products for sale there, and my girlfriend loved the things she saw related to Harry Potter. We didn't buy anything this time because it was too expensive, but it was nice to see the exhibition of items!


Esta semana está acontecendo um evento geek no shopping aqui perto de onde moro. Fiz uma visita rápida para ver um pouco das coisas que têm por lá e, apesar de não ter ficado muito animado, acabei encontrando algumas coisas legais. Acredito que no fim de semana seja mais agitado, mas hoje estava bem pouco movimentado.

Apesar de não ter tanta gente, achei muito legais as latinhas de refrigerante que vi lá. Notei latinhas de vários desenhos, incluindo os meus preferidos, que são Dragon Ball e Pokémon. Fiquei tentado a comprar algumas para juntar à minha coleção de latinhas, mas estavam muito caras; consigo comprar bem mais barato pela internet.

Além das latinhas, havia outros produtos à venda por lá, e minha namorada adorou as coisas que viu sobre Harry Potter. Não compramos nada desta vez, pois estava muito caro, mas foi legal ver a exposição de itens!

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


What were they using the cans for?
Decorations or sales?
