My Pet Peeves || Am I Just Overreacting

We're humans and we all have flaws and I mean, we all can't be perfect. But there are some things I find personally annoying. I hate being around people who do these things.

Sometimes I wonder how little things like this can get on my nerves. I ask myself if I'm overreacting because they're just so petty, but I can't help but frown on them



Firstly, before we talk about my pet peeves, what does pet peeve mean?

Something that is personally annoying; a personal dislike.

Here is a list of my Pet peeves. so here we go!!

People who don't wear perfume or deodorant.
It's a free world but the first commandment states that thou shall not kill.
Why would anyone want to go against the commandment of the lord? I mean Heaven is the ultimate goal so why would anyone want to disobey the word?

I bet you all would agree with me that smelling and looking nice is always good business, so why would anyone wake up in the morning, bathe, and don't wear deodorant?

Some days ago, a man came to fix the AC in the house, and boy! Immediately he came inside the house, everywhere started smelling.
I meant the whole house started to smell like body odor. It took more than an hour after he had left for the smell to die down. I was so angry I couldn't stay in the living room with him, I had to stay in the room and close the door. I only came outside when he had left.

People who don't brush their hair
As silly as this might sound, it gets on my nerves seeing people with messy and untidy hair.
I feel it's something that requires less time and effort to do, so why does your hair look like where chickens are digging for gold?

Chewing Bone and keeping in the plate
I cannot begin to explain how much this irks me. If you can't chew your bone and swallow, then don't try to chew it at all. Just allow the poor bone to rest and drink water

People who chew their food loudly
I find it very offensive when people chew very loudly Like why can't you chew your food quietly without anybody knowing what is going on in your mouth.? This set of people not only chew loudly but also clank on their plates. It irks me all the time.

People who wear too many colors
It's none of my business what people decide to wear, I mean everybody has the freedom to do whatever they want to do and also wear whatever they want to wear, but wearing pink, green, yellow, blue and purple all at once just always gets on my nerves. Please you're not the rainbow. I hate it so much I can't even begin to explain.

People who walk and scrub their feet on the floor
Why would you walk and scrub your foot on the floor? Nobody needs to know you're coming, or you're walking.
It's always so offensive that I start to frown my face immediately whenever someone does that.

People who always want to talk directly to your face
Dude! I can hear you even tho you're talking to me from Jamaica. why do you want to enter my body before you feel I can hear you huh?
I'm not deaf, and my ears are working perfectly okay. I hate this with passion.

People who gossip a lot
I know it's weird for a girl not to like to gossip but hey!! It shouldn't be a hobby. I have a few friends that whenever I'm around, the only thing they do is gossip, and judge people. The most annoying part is they don't care if the person is just a step away from them. And last but not le

People who pick their Nose

Thanks for reading❤


People who chew food so loudly are also annoying to me and people who spit bone in the plate are also come on the list.
There is only one thing which comes in my mind that they should learn some basic ethics of living life.

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Those people who talk to your face as if they want to enter your mouth with saliva also😁


Girl!! I'm sure you've experienced it before 😂😂 and it wasn't funny😂


I don't like being around people who gossip too. It makes me really mad when people waste time gossiping
