Love Beyond Loving - A Love That Wins

Have you ever seen a couple and you could guess that they will live together till old age?

Or a couple that keeps affirming to you that "True love does exist"?

I feel all that when I see my aunt and her husband but above all, I see them as super humans in their marriage life. How they still keep going regardless of what they face is so inspiring.

They are the definition of "A Love that wins" no matter what happens.

Image designed here

Sadly, I didn't get to witness such love in my family since dad and mum had to go their separate ways when I was little. Maybe they lived a bit of the couple life in my presence but I was too young to understand what they had to face as a couple.

Regardless of my story growing up, I got the chance to live and experience what it really is like to watch a couple and learn from them... My aunt and her husband.

I may have to interview them for my future content and show their faces then but for now, I'm just going to share what I feel when I see those two for the past four to five years that I've lived with them.

  • Their love is above quarrels that disunite them

I've never seen them have a heated argument or fight over something. I know I haven't stayed with them for too long but we would agree that four years is more than enough to find a couple quarreling at least but I never got to witness any in that home.

Okay, I'm not saying they don't quarrel or have disagreements... I'm saying, you'll never see them do that in your presence or in front of their kids and I find that super commendable. The tolerance among them is amazing.

  • Their love is above small & big challenges

There's no couple love without having to face situations that could shake their live foundation but with this couple, I learnt better that there are just some love foundation that nothing can shake as they do believe in each other.

From family issues, to struggling for a male child, to almost losing a life... This couple still act like nothing of such happens to them. You just know it when it actually happens in your presence or you're told but not their priceless expressions and happy living.

If love was a couple, I'd choose them to be the ones.

You could see both trying their best on their own part to make their family grow from strength to strength. Having the chance to be around this couple is like, experiencing love in it's purest form.

Sometimes I do think, that they are setting a pace that only few can or will achieve and I think that is a standard worth emulating. I'm not sure how much better my marriage life story will be but I admire this couple and would be glad to have such a firm love foundation too.


0.04140746 BEE

Love is a beautiful thing, it's not just okay to love but also understanding the principles of love and how to sustain it for a long duration and that is what your aunt and her husband has been able to paint on themselves. it is really beautiful to always not put out your flaws in public and being able to handle them privately.
It's your dreemboi here #dreemerforlife

0.00010726 BEE

Yeah, I find that really admirable
It's like a very difficult task to hide away flaws but they hide it so well and sort it out.

0E-8 BEE

Such kind of couple exist though rare this computer age, it's a good thing you were able to experience what couple in love feels like, so you dob't feel like it truly never exist, even with differences, respect and love for each other keeps them growing stepng.


0.00010677 BEE

Yeah, I can't say love is a scam or doesn't exist anymore with that couple displaying daily what love is 😍

0E-8 BEE

Amazing. Love like this exist but not often does it make it to the spotlight. People love to hear about chaos. I'm sure you will make a good partner that would even surpass the kind of love that your aunt and uncle share.

Well done.

0.00010553 BEE

I pray and work towards that, I love their love and I want to have the one that surpass that 😊
Thanks sis

0E-8 BEE

It takes mutual agreement and understanding for love to continue surviving. True Love really exists, I believe that too but it's very rare.

#dreemerforlife #dreemport

0.00010553 BEE

Yeah, it is rare but very possible.

0E-8 BEE

You have a treasure right there!

0.00007132 BEE

Oh yeah, I know that 😍

0E-8 BEE

It's inspiring and beautiful to see a couple become so glued to each other, it helps to change the negative perspective we have about love. I'm so sorry that you never witnessed this from your own parents. Yours will be a beautiful journey.

0.00007052 BEE

Yeah, it helped a lot considering the fact that I grew up without any to watch. Thanks for your prayers.

0E-8 BEE

Mehn, it's funny on my part how I believe and does have faith about love and marriage but then, I am scared to my wit about getting married, saying the 'I do" forever.

I don't know but I do think love is never enough in a marriage, understanding and getting to realize that you both aren't perfect and will most likely make mistakes in their marriage journey is enough to make any couple conscious about working on themselves and their marriage.

I admire your aunt and uncle and I hope one day I get to watch them talk about their marital journey so far.

My regards to them 😊

0.00007048 BEE

Exactly my thoughts, love isn't enough in marriage, it goes beyond that and I'm glad to have witnessed one for real hehe.

0E-8 BEE

This story you shared is inspiring. Love is good, particularly when it involves the right partner. Love goes beyond trivial things.

0.00007046 BEE

No doubt, the right partner have a lot to do with how far a love can go.

0E-8 BEE

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