NFTS tokens on Hive Engine - Hive's Decentralised NFT Marketplace


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If you have been paying close attention to Hive Engine a new token has emerged called NFTS which can be found here and for those that don't know currently Bala is working on developing the first decentralised NFT marketplace on Hive where owning this tokens will give you the income earned through sales and engaging in the future games that will be developed.

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A number of tokens have already been distributed to initial SKIPPY investors and this air drop did not include me I have purchased and have been purchasing my own stack.

So I thought I would give a quick update on what has been occuring and what will occur in the coming weeks/months as the site is rolled out. Max supply is only 50,000 no more and no less unless people decide to burn them.

If you are an initial Skippy buyer and didn't get an airdrop feel free to let me know and I will follow it up for you.

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If you're interested in the current template feel free to head over to NFT Specialists Marketplace and let me know what you think. I am looking forward to the continued work that is going into the project and hopefully will be able to report some more developments to you in the coming days.

Don't miss out on your Tokens and snap them up before they are all gone!

Images sources provided supplemented by canva pro subscription. This is not financial advice and readers are advised to undertake their own research or seek professional financial services

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I don't think I got any of these tokens after checking my wallet. Was there suppose to be a minimum amount we needed to hold?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
