Holiday in Nature (Part 2) TreeSight House

Day 1 journey around Kundasang,Sabah(Part 2)

So this is part 2 of our journey around Kundasang.
On our journey from D'Mesilau Rabbit Garden,we past by a local school. Since it's a Friday there are some kids walking home after their class has ended for that day.


Thanked God for this beautiful sunny day.

Our next stop is to Kundasang Market by the road side.

As you can see they sell a lot of local products,rice,honey, fresh vegetables,fruits and etc etc.
Now they are even selling imported fruits too.
I was quite surprised to their upgrade.
I did bought some imported fruits and local fruits too.
A fruit lover here who can't resist it whenever I saw fruits or else I will be drooling.Hahaha

To my surprised,around this area there are few new small markets around too.
Didn't get to roam around because we were a little exhausted already and also it was raining a little too.

Just realized that they have a pharmacy in Kundasang Town.
I'm still quite impressed.
This is really great for tourist and the local too ,if anyone had any emergency and needed some medication.

After a busy long day ,it's time to check in to our homestay.
This place is actually quite new and also it only have two small cute chalet at the moment.
We choose to stay here because it was not too crowded with humans and we can have more privacy too.
The downside is that the road to this homestay is quite steep. So you will have to be brave and drive with caution.


It's a small chalet with a small balcony outlooking a refreshing view of nature.
They have a small Tv too but we didn't use it.
Not to worry that you will get bored because they have internet connection/Wifi too and the signal is working great.


A balcony overlooking Mount Kinabalu together with the pine trees.😍

The chalet comes together with a small cute toilet too.
The most important thing is that they have hot water for shower or else you won't be able to shower because the water will be cold like ice water.🤣
The water pressure is good too.

This is the reception building uphill.

So it's tea break.
This is what we have bought from the market earlier.
Bought some fresh chilies to bring back home.

This is one huge strawberry.

Bought this US Strawberry because the seller said this is very sweet and the local strawberry is sour.
Sadly, it wasn't sweet at all.🤣
It was all sour but I know it's not as sour as the local strawberry.😌
Spend like RM35 for one small box of US strawberry.😂
Feels like being scam but it's okay.

Then I came up with an idea. That is dipping the strawberry into brown sugar.Hahahaa
Luckily I brought some brown sugar from home.😂

And surprisingly it taste so good with brown sugar!
Like those sweet strawberries.🤣
I guessed I've accidentally create a new recipe for eating sour strawberry. Hahaha.

This is fresh lychee, bought 1 small box for RM30.
And this one I can 100% say it's sweet like syrup.🤣
It's like eating lychee out of the can.

Eating lychee while enjoying the view.

Looks exactly the same with those canned lychee. Hehe
Overall I would say just buy the canned lychee because it taste the same and it's cheaper too.
But it's a good try thought.

Okay this is one of my favorite fruit.
This is Irwin Mango. They are selling RM20 per KG.
Bought this for like RM13 because it weights around 600grams plus plus.
See how huge it is compare to my hand.

Smells so good, taste so soft, juicy & sweet.😍
Definitely worth to buy.

Thick flesh and thin seed too.

We had cup noodles and cup rice for dinner together with some fried sausages and nuggets that we brought from home.
After that we just chill and enjoy the cold breeze and then went to bed.
Looking forward to the next day.


Waking up to this view is the best!😍

The beautiful view of Mount Kinabalu.❤️

View from the other side of our chalet. It's like floating on clouds.



Our chalet's name is Sakura.
So it's time to check out and head to our next stay.

Going to miss this place.
It was a great stay here.

To be continue in Part 3.
See you there!
Have a great day!😊


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