Love and do what you will...

Emmanuel Phaeton

Hi everyone! We have recently celebrated love on Valentine's day and hope you had a good time with your loved ones. Although I think we should celebrate love daily, it is still great to have such a celebration day.

Therefore, my thoughts wonder to a quote by St. Augustine that I truly like:

Love and do what you will...

The idea behind is related to fraternal love as some would agree with. However, the quote is quite interesting because in my opinion, it admits at least two ways of interpreting it:

1. Everything can be done if we do it with love. So, it admits somehow that if we feel the love we can express ourselves in any way irrespective of previous attachments - a universal love that can be kind with multiple recipients.

2. Not everything can be done, given that the simple idea of love restrains us from doing things as we please because it might hurt others - a more restrictive love based on previous attachments.

Hope you find it thoughtful for your inner experiences.


Credits to Gif Paradise for Love Gif
