Why battles gotten easier?

I love Splinterlands. I literally love playing so much I actually play two accounts. My main and a split account with a fellow hiver @deanlogic. I play both accounts daily and do try to hit the minimum 25 matches daily. Although must be honest I don’t make it everyday I still try.

Since I don’t have full decks I play in the lower tier battles. For my main account it’s in gold. Meanwhile my alternate account in bronze league. Some may think it’s silly to play so many matches on a daily basis it’s really true. There are days I simply wish I didn’t have to play and others I just don’t at all. Still majority of the days I do field opportunities and play with all kinds of opponents.

In the recent season it appears I have been going on a better win streak than past. I honestly think it has to do a lot with land but overall it’s been a very positive experience in daily battles.

Don’t get me wrong I still got losing streaks but the overall ranking has been near personal best more than not. Which leaves me to wonder did a lot of bots really went away?

In wild league the daily battles been majority and past couple days quantities of battlers have risen. In addition the rental market is slightly trending down making earnings on leases.

With less rentals it leads to less battles. Cards being pulled to land use maybe the real cause for bots activities to drop.

It remains to be seen if the output of cards dropping will continue to limit play but for now it’s occurring.

Not trying to brag but prove a point. In my alternate account I have hit near top 100 even at bronze league. To me this is unheard of as I mostly get in high 1000s by end of the season. To see midway through the season and perform a personal best this well it just got to be a reason for the better gameplay. I definitely didn’t change my game play.

Even with rebellion cards out it maybe because bots are not adopted to the new cards so hence are lacking in game. This would be changed somewhat as time moves forward and bots get rewritten to include new rebellion cards.

With so much going on in updates with Splinterlands it’s not surprising that it’s effecting battles. For now it’s been more positive than negative at least for me.

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

If you want to play splinterlands then SignUp Here

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!



It's nice to hear that you are doing quite well in wild. I am struggling in modern because untamed got removed. I haven't gotten used to the new cards yet.


Rebellion looks amazing and I too haven’t fully grasp its potential. Dual splinters been making a whole lot more complex. !WINE


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Anything to kill the bots.

I haven't played in forever, because when I played last, I got clobbered.


Modern league they now don’t allow bots but competition is fierce. Since new rebellion came out and land it seems bots have dwindled even when allowed in wild. Got to believe this won’t last forever but for now I’m riding the win waves.


This game is very interesting and it's very nice to play it time passes very well and time is not known earlier I used to play it but then I stopped playing it now start playing it again Because now there are many changes within the game.
