Splinterlands | DHAMPIR INFILTRATOR is a Ferocious Double attacking Sneak card


What’s up my fellow Splinterlands Players!

I hope all of you are doing well in your life and playing this game in your free time daily and enjoying battling with other players while earning SPS and Glints as rewards. Well, the ongoing splinterlands ranked season has almost come to an end and only less than 5 days remain for this current ranked season to get rest and I guess that all of you are making strategies and are working well on your gameplay to win and collect more rewards and as usual, I am also doing the same. For me, currently I am playing in the Fiamknd I tier and standing exactly at the border with a current trophy rating of 3,400 because today I lost some matches again and came down a bit. But no worries as I have almost a full energy bar and will be playing this game for some time after posting my blog.


As I told you in my previous post, I have recently rented 296k SPS in my account and it has significantly boosted both my SPS and Glint token earnings right now. Before the rented SPS, I was only warning 8-10 SPS per ranked battle win and the basic Glint reward per win was also very low, around 400 only. But now after the increased delegation SPS, my earnings have increased to more than double and right now I am getting 18-22 around SPS for every win and around 900-1100 Glint along with the SPS. As the rented SPS will stay for 7 days if I am able to play enough matches, the ROI will definitely be positive and after analyzing the result, I will think if I should continue renting a big amount of SPS or just depend on my own stack.

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Now moving forward, let me come to the main topic of this post as today, I will be showcasing an amazing Reward card that I believe most of you still love to use on the battlefield. As you have already seen in the thumbnail above, today I will be talking about DHAMPIR INFILTRATOR! So without any further delay, let us jump right in!

Dhampir Infiltrator is a reward edition card that belongs to the Chaos Legion set and no, this old card is not a soul-bound card, so you can buy it from the market and use it right away in your battles. The Infiltrator is a sneak ability card that costs 4 mana to be used in battles and its attack type is melee. It belongs to the Dragon element and it is a rare type of card that needs a total of 115 BCX cards to be upgraded to max level.



At level 2, this card possesses 1 melee attack at 2 speed with 3 health and it also gets 2 abilities since its initial level - Sneak and Double Strike. With the help of the Sneak ability, this card can directly attack the last card on the opponent’s lineup and on the other hand, with the help of the double strike ability, it will launch 2 attacks back to back in the same round.


When this card gets to level 4, its stats get increased further to 2 melee attack at 3 speed with 3 health along with those 2 abilities that I mentioned above. The increased melee attack will help him to bring 2+2 damage and sometimes it may even kill down 2 enemy cards for you in the same round.


When you upgrade this card to level 6, it gets 2 melee attack at 3 speed with 4 health and also hets a new ability called Cripple from level 5 onwards. With the help of this ability, each time this monster hits an enemy car, it will lose 1 max health.


When this card finally gets upgraded to level 8, it gets 2 melee attack at 4 speed with 4 health and also gets another new ability called Affliction at its last level. Now a card with affliction ability whenever attacks, has a 50% chance to apply affliction upon the enemy card and if applied, that enemy card can not heal or be healed.


Battle Link


This time I found a medium 22 mana limit ranked match where 4 elements were allowed - Fire, Water, Death and Dragon and there were also 3 rulesets applied in this match- True Strike, No Armour and Rise of Commons. In this match I can only use common and rare type cards and upon that, there will be no armor and no attack will be missed so after thinking, I decided to go with melee attackers for this match and thought my strategy accordingly.

As for my lineup, I chose the Dragon Chaos Summoner Quix the Devious and at my front position, I chose the Chaos Agent followed by Pelacor Bandit, Deeplurker, Dhampir Infiltrator, Vruz and Naga Assassin at the end position. As both the lineups got revealed quickly after, I saw that my opponent had chosen the same summoner Quix and at his front, he chose the Smith followed by Pelacor Bandit, Infiltrator, Vruz, Naga Assassin and Chaos Agent at the end. The only difference in our lineup is that I chose Deeplurker against his Smith.



As the battle began, I decreased all his melee attacker’s power by 1 thanks to my Deeplurker and my total attacking power was also more than the opponent's as he spent 6 mana after an attack less tank card while I just used the Chaos Agent to protect my front and used all rest mana on my attacker cards. In the first round, I killed his Chaos Agent as the first kill of this match and he also killed my Naga in the same round. But then I also killed his Infiltrator by my Deeplurker and weakened his overall attack power. Next round, I killed down his Vruz and it gave his infiltrator more stats followed by the death of my Vruz by his bandit which gave my Infiltrator more attacks. Though after both the infiltrators got more stats, his infiltrator attacked first, but as my deeplurker was reducing all enemy melee attacks it also reduced the enemy infiltrator’s attack down to 2. So even after attacking first, the enemy Infiltrator could not kill mine but next mine attacked and smoothly did its work and killed down the enemy Infiltrator. The rest cards were easy to take down as I still had most of my attackers alive and thus, I won another amazing match and earned some SPS and Glints.


I hope you liked watching the battle that I shared above and also enjoyed reading my battle post. Please let me know your thoughts and experiences about this card in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

Thanks for visiting my post, Please come again!
Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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Your entry in the arena is cool. Nice combination of cards. It was interesting to explore this strategy with Dhampir Infiltrator and the double strikes.
Have a great week and Happy sixth anniversary
May SPS and Cards Price go up to the sky
Have you staked DEC and Grain in the pool exchange on the land section of the game?
