5 Minute Freewrite: Over the Mountain



Sarajane was a solo traveler. She was young and brave to travel the world in a little van with no one by her side. She enjoyed the sceneries alone. She had a red hat that she wore most of the time. This hat was her only friend through the ups and downs of her travels.

She photographed the amazing places she went. Sometimes she met other travelers on the way, and they kept her company for a while, but overall she traveled solo. One of her favorite places was sitting on top of mountains. She would sit there and just enjoyed her time, maybe sometimes she made some coffee or tea and drank it there while being there.

People asked her how a young woman can travel to some dangerous places on Earth alone with no man to protect her? And she would answer she is free, and she can protect herself, and she wants to be free and no one can stop her from going to these incredible places and enjoying her time. She knew that what she has been doing is actually one of the dreams of most young people like her. So, when she looked at it this way, she was encouraged to continue her adventures. She kept a journal and wrote down her adventures.
