I Commute Against The Mainstream


When more people face traffic jams, I find an empty street. I commute to work against the mainstream. I ride in the opposite direction of most people.
I have a part-time job as an English teacher at a senior high school. The school is still new. There are only seven students in the school. The location is also in the rural area where there are still big trees and gardens. The air was still fresh. I enjoyed riding my motorcycle when the sun comes up in the morning and warms my face.

There are only a few riders on the street. A few of them bring vegetables. I think they are going to the market to sell their farming products.
The trip to the school takes half an hour. I ride my motorcycle slowly to enjoy the morning breeze. The rice field is very wide. My eyes are spoiled with green and wide views.

It is in Cibening , Setu, Bekasi. There are still green areas here, but in the next five years, there will be change because I saw some boards where people are selling their lands.

I arrived at the school at 7:45. I greeted all the students and cleaned the floor with them. I started to teach at 8.00 in the morning and finished at 12.00 o'clock.

I enjoyed teaching my students. They are teens. I sometimes talk about the current issues to give mental stability when they face the real world. Teenagers have more energy. They are also very curious about new things. I had a great class this morning.
All the students have strong motivation. I think it is because there are only a small number of students in the classroom so that I can focus on assisting them in learning English.
In the break time, I went out to see the view in front of the school. The land is offered to the principal, but unfortunately, the land certificate is in a bank as collateral for the land owner's loan.That is the reason the school principal does not want to buy the land.
The school is still new. It is the first year of the senior school program. The junior program has been registered with the department of education in Indonesia. The senior school where I teach is in the process of registering. I hope in the coming year, the registration will be accomplished.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy my story.



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