My Recovery


My Recovery


It all started like a joke, gradually becoming something that I can't explain and control, which gradually developed into fever, which accompanied headaches and the hotness of the body, which showed up as a sickness. Sick for what? That is what I didn't know then; I am still contemplating what could be behind it until it all gets worse, that was when I found it difficult to cope with it.

To the extent that a couple of weeks ago I found it difficult to carry out some activities, even to the extent that I lost my appetite for eating, within me I knew my body is not be okay as usual, but I kept managing it in order to get a result on a daily basis base on what i do, to the extent that I had to run some medical tests and diagnose on what exactly was wrong with my body system.

While all this was actually going on, I missed a lot of activities, including my blogging activities, but this time I didn't see the energy to carry out all these activities as such. It happened that I sleep even in the daytime without going to work, unlike me, doing work with my tablet. That's to tell you how serious and dangerous sickness can be. Within the weekend, I went for a test that 's to tell you how serious typhoid and malaria could be, which is the common sickness witnessed by Nigerians due to mosquito bites.

Then, as I got the test results and prescription of the drugs to buy, I went straight to get myself the necessary drugs to treat myself as the doctor prescribed, which I didn't take time to start taking yesterday due to the fact that I know for the past few weeks I have lost a lot and I know something was actually wrong with me, even to the extent that I missed days in my blogging and missed a friend wedding I could have attended last weekend.

While I was laying down today, despite not being fully fit, I kept feeling the recovery ever since I started taking the medication, which was in line with James Authur's song "Recovery." Although within this short period I was unable to do anything, I was still inspired that even though I was sick and not fully fit to resume all my activities, I could still cope while I recovered, where the last can be the first.

I will tell you that this is not actually the first time I am passing through such, although I have experienced the same sickness in particular, even the one that is more serious than this. Still, I came out strong with the ability to do everything within my reach, and I am still inspired that I can still be in my top form as usual in just a matter of days when I am fully strong, and for the fact that I have passed through such before and recovered from it, I will definitely recover from this one as well.

But for me, I see it as normal, sickness is natural, provided all the causes exist. It is our job to diagnose it and find a solution for it, which always comes by taking the necessary prescribed drugs. I believe in recovery from it, as I am already seeing the signs of recovery, because without the changes in my body system, I don't think I can be writing all this as I have missed in the past few days.

My regards still go to James Authur, who taught me that "recovery" is possible with his song, which has strengthened me to encourage myself. In a matter of time and days, I will be fine to move around, carry out my activities as usual, and most especially carry out my blogging activities that I cherish so much to do at all times, and as much as I love it, I can't wait to fully recover and resume what I love to do always.

Thanks for reading.

☆Շђคภкร Ŧ๏г ץ๏ยг Շเ๓є☆


