
For the first time I'm writing a post with a bad title. Yeah it's what I think about this post. Writing a post without liking the title might look weird, especially when it's my post and I get to choose whatever title I want. Truth is that it doesn't matter whether anyone likes the title or not, it's my post and I can decide whatever name I wish to give it. And yeah I've chosen to give it a name I don't like with no valid reason at all Just like I can choose whatever career I want to do for whatever reason I choose. If ever a time comes when I feel I should change my career I could damning the consequences and not mind what anyone thinks about it.

Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

Back to what I was saying about my title, what if lazy panda doesn't think my post is curable because of my title, and you all reading feel the same way. It just means the power I gave myself in choosing a title for my post has damned me. Same way it will be if my decision to change my career at any point in my life has the ability to either make me or damn me for life. There's a new sales manager in my company who has been in the banking industry for over 15 years. He decided he wanted to venture into the oil and gas industry and applied to work in my company. According to him, he wanted to eat oil money and thus decided to quit his job in the bank.

The first day he resumed work he was privileged to engage in a personal conversation with him expecting him to be happy with his new job, but unfortunately, he was full of regrets. He said he had risen so high in the banking industry and thought he wanted to do more with life which made him venture into oil and gas. He left his state to go to my state in search of a job, and now he's homeless with a job in the oil and gas industry that can barely feed him. Not because his salary is bad, but because the banking industry has made him set so high standards for himself and family that his current salary would need to be quadrupled before it can cover half.

Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

Maybe it's too early to regret, but I see him everyday working with regrets and wishing he could go back to his former career as a banker. But then there are no job opportunities laying around the corner. This has made me see that our career part can take a long time and sometimes a lifetime of building to develop into something tangible. And if we ever find success in it, changing into another career sector will require at least half as much sacrifice as it took to build the first.

Half because the only thing you're left with would be experience which gives you a chance of succeeding in a different career part. But when it

For the first time, I'm writing a post with a bad title. Yeah, that's what I think about this post. Writing a post without liking the title might look weird, especially when it's my post and I get to choose whatever title I want. The truth is that it doesn't matter whether anyone likes the title or not, it's my post and I can decide whatever name I wish to give it. And yeah I've chosen to give it a name I don't like with no valid reason at all Just like I can choose whatever career I want to do for whatever reason I choose. If ever a time comes when I feel I should change my career I could damning the consequences and not mind what anyone thinks about it.

Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

Back to what I was saying about my title, what if lazy Panda doesn't think my post is curable because of my title, and you all reading feel the same way? It just means the power I gave myself in choosing a title for my post has damned me. The same way it will be if my decision to change my career at any point in my life can either make me or damn me for life. There's a new sales manager in my company who has been in the banking industry for over 15 years. He decided he wanted to venture into the oil and gas industry and applied to work in my company. According to him, he wanted to eat oil money and thus decided to quit his job in the bank.

The first day he resumed work he was privileged to engage in a personal conversation with him expecting him to be happy with his new job, but unfortunately, he was full of regrets. He said he had risen so high in the banking industry and thought he wanted to do more with life which made him venture into oil and gas. He left his state to go to my state in search of a job, and now he's homeless with a job in the oil and gas industry that can barely feed him. Not because his salary is bad, but because the banking industry has made him set so high standards for himself and his family that his current salary would need to be quadrupled before it can cover half.

Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

Maybe it's too early to regret, but I see him every day working with regrets and wishing he could go back to his former career as a banker. But then there are no job opportunities lying around the corner. This has made me see that our career part can take a long time and sometimes a lifetime of building to develop into something tangible. And if we ever find success in it, changing to another career sector will require at least half as much sacrifice as it took to build the first.

Half because the only thing you're left with would be experience which gives you a chance of succeeding in a different career part. But when it comes to professional experience in that field, especially when it is totally different from the previous career, you're nothing more than a novice who has to climb the ladder all over again. The question is can you climb that ladder again? Instead of climbing that ladder, I would prefer buying an already-made brand and hiring professionals to run it while I learn about that career industry.


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0.14058829 BEE

The story of that man is a very sad one, it's like starting a new business too after into one previously. Life is full of uncertainties and we can never know the outcome of events until we try it out. Sometimes, it goes well and sometimes it doesn't.

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

Life is not easy generally and when has attained a level its always preferable yo maintain it than leave it for a new beginning. The certainty of success is not always guaranteed

0E-8 BEE

Yes you're right... It's best to stick to a part

0E-8 BEE

Lol! Actually your last sentence got me smiling, however that is what most people do this days. You see people building fashion houses and hiring professional tailors to sew for them while they market this products and learn as well. So yes, me too I have been eyeing that statement for a very long time 😄

0E-8 BEE

The importance of choosing a career path wisely cannot be overstated.
Your story is a lesson to me

0E-8 BEE

I'm glad you could learn from it

0E-8 BEE

Many people switch career all in the name of wanting to earn higher, even though this is true especially when such individual's previous career isn't doing well, other times, one might not be lucky just as in the case of the man. It requires taking time to make decisions and weigh all possible options. #dreemerforlife

0E-8 BEE

I love your third paragraph.

Instead of starting all over, I'll just focus on my career and build it myself, while I hire professionals to work for me. When I'm able to achieve this goal and I'm sure that the business is firm, I can then, think of venturing into something else, because no matter what, I have something to always fall back on.


0E-8 BEE

These happens all the time and we don't just see it because of what we feel which might be the sudden pain to our path.. I sympathize with your colleague but then again no room for regret since it was a choice he made himself.


0E-8 BEE