
I come here every day and sometimes talk about how I've been hurt, broken, and mistreated. Today I would like to talk about the time I hurt someone who did nothing but love me. I can say I now know how it feels to overlook the love people show us and perhaps this is karma teaching me a lesson. I'm at the point in my life where I do a lot of reflecting and see parts of myself that need improvement. I believe being a better version of myself begins with me owning up to my mistakes and trying to fix them but although this particular mistake I've made in the past is one I have not just gotten the chance to make amends for. For years now I've been trying to reach out to the person I offended, but with no success.


I was young and stupid, I met a love I wasn't ready for so it was only natural that I abused it without thinking. Although she had her flaws, being sincere, I never loved her in the beginning and was only using her to satisfy my desires as my friends did. By the time I started loving her, I had hurt her too deeply. I remember the times all she wanted was a hi from me, but I would find a reason to get angry with her and watch her cry her eyes out begging for forgiveness. Most of the time I would offend her intentionally and manipulate her into accepting that it was her fault, she would accept because she loves me, and I would say I even enjoyed watching her suffer. I hoped that she would get tired and leave, but for some reason, she didn't until I found a silly reason to make her leave.


I do not like to sugarcoat my words, and wouldn't even try in this case. So instead if I get the chance, I would like to personally tell her how sorry I am for all the pains I caused her, and everything I didn't take responsibility for. I know where to find her though, but I'm not also in talking terms with the person that is in contact with her. I hope she's doing well, but if I do get the opportunity to see her, I would love to apologize to her by looking into her eyes. I'm not in love with her again and do not wish to have any intimate relationship with her in the future, but I think I still owe her an apology.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's a good thing that you have now realised your mistakes. It will be really nice if you reach out to her and apologize.


When we are very young we often make mistakes and can cause other people to suffer. But now you can recognize that you acted wrongly. The bad thing is that when we deeply hurt someone's heart that mark remains in their heart.


Hmm... so you are one of those guys who plays with a girl´s heart? Lol
It is good to know when you need to apologise to someone when you offend or hurt them. I hope she can forgive you when you ask for forgiveness. It is so painful to be in the girl´s shoes, also, it happens to guys too, but saying sorry would cure things.
#dreemerforlife I popped in from #dreemport


We do some some things out of youthful exuberance. As we age and get more mature, we look back to those actions and regret some steps taken wrongly.

Love is something that deserves reciprocity. When that is not the case, it becomes a burden to a party.

I am glad that you realized your mistakes and you are ready to apologize to her. It's awesome.

