If there's one thing I hate out of the list of few things I hate, it's a bully. I hate being bullied, I hate being in the position that would give someone the opportunity to bully me, infact I try as much as possible to avoid such scenarios right from when I was in secondary school up until now. There was a time I had to beat up my senior at school because I felt he was using his authority as a senior to bully my friends. So yeah you can call me an anti-bully, I always find a way to get back at bullies. But I think growing up has made me soft, so soft that I let a lot of things slide for the sake of peace. Too bad that now includes bullies who I happen to detest with every fiber of my being. I might not hate the person per se, but I detest the act every single time.

Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

I define a bully by how they use the power and authority given to them. I like to see power as a privilege to serve, but when a person uses it as a means to oppress and exploit others, I begin to detest it. This is the major reason you might never find me talking about Any government at all, first the thought of their actions is capable of provoking me as much as to change my mood for an entire day. Secondly, I do not see any reason why I should talk about something I can not change directly, this infact is what makes the topic provocative to me. There has never been any bully I have encountered that went away with what they did to me except for one who I let go not out of respect but simply because I said to myself that he wasn't worth my time.

In the first semester of my final year in school, my school made it compulsory for every student to add Research Methodology to the list of courses. This was a course I had already offered twice, but since the school made it compulsory I had to offer it for the third time which was not fun at all. At the same time my school has a new registrar who happened to be a pastor, or so he claimed. Well I guess right now you have an idea where this story is headed. If you're thinking that the sole called pastor disgraced his title with his attitude, yeah you're correct. He not only disgraced himself, but made the entire students hate him. I was so close to making him eat his vomit, not out of revenge, but out of correction. But I thought, this guy is just hungry and is not worth my time.

Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

So what happened was that he was assigned to take us on research methodology, and he did the teaching part very well until he asked that we paid for his text book before we would be allowed to take his test. Since it was school policy, everyone complied. Some paid cash, and some did transfer. We asked him if he would accept a transfer, and since he said yes, a lot of us made a transfer to his account (which wasn't the first time we were doing such with other lecturers). This man made us transfer, and told over 2000 students that he never saw our transfer. He started saying he's a pastor and wouldn't lie about such things. What got me angry was when he said we will all have to pay cash until he goes to the bank to confirm our payment.

Well, to date he never confirmed the payment, and he took double the money we are meant to pay. What's worse, he called security to lock up students who went to his office asking for their money, and lied to the management that the students threatened him. If this isn't a bully, I do not know what the hell he is. I never trusted him a bit, and he proved me right. At a point I planned on sabotaging his image by planning to expose how he was hitting on some of my departmental girls. I even brought up the idea, they loved it and were ready to go along. We planned on taping it and sending it to the school management, but then I grew soft and pitied his family. I didn't want to be the reason they go hungry and so I told them to forget about it because truly, he wasn't worth it.


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0.22968056 BEE

You just pitied his family, I trust karma would do him justice, he isn't as free as you think, I hate people with such attitude with passion, especially those that abuse their position, to think he even refers to himself as a pastor, nonsense.

0.00030191 BEE

Such people will definitely get what's coming to them either way, it's only a matter of time

0E-8 BEE

Karma is a bitch no matter how long or many years it will still bounce on him

0E-8 BEE

Well I also said this same thing to myself. What ever a man sows, he certainly will reap

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

This is really bad situation. Students should not get bullies from their seniors. It is not a way to treat human beings. A teacher either he is pastor or he is pious man, he should not deceive students about money as some students can be very poor.

0E-8 BEE

Well he did, but I'm sure karma will certainly catch up with him

0E-8 BEE

You beat your senior in school, I like that, that would make them scared of you!! I'm glad you stood for those who can't stand for themselves.

0E-8 BEE

Lol, it made me a target by all the seniors... The day they came for me I had to run 😂. It wasn't funny at all ooo

8.3E-7 BEE

The pastor may have thought he played a fast one on you guys, but he actually played himself and he won't get away with his acts.


0E-8 BEE

Well, Whatever a man sows, he shall reap

0E-8 BEE