Health Awareness; There is still a huge disregard for mental health.

Living a healthy life is something I'm very conscious about and I've been learning about it for a very long time. The more you know about things that constitute good health, the more complex it will become. However, I believe it's worth knowing the things that can be harmful to our health and the things that are good for our health.

One of the things that made me fancy being knowledgeable on topics related to our health is that I know what happens when someone is facing health issues. I'm sure y'all also know what happens in such situations. Besides, we all have that existential burden as humans to come face-to-face with one health issue or another.

I'm still not an expert in these and I'm not living the healthiest lifestyle, but I want y'all to take this post as a health awareness post. To be more specific, I hope it will serve as a post that will make you more aware of your mental health.

If you are from my part of the world, you will surely agree with the fact that we are in a society where there is a huge disregard for good mental health. As far as the experiences I've witnessed are concerned, the only time people draw attention because of poor mental health is when they are already mentally unstable to the point that they walk all-over the street unclad.

If someone is having a mental issue and it hasn't gotten to that level of insanity, nobody will treat it as a serious case.

Huh? Yeah!

I guess it's no bloody wonder we have many people moving around while dealing with a high level of depression. Some have this feeling of worthlessness and so many people are having sleeping problems.


The symptoms and signs of one mental health issue or another can be noticed in so many people in our society.

Well, what's stopping them from seeking the help of a mental health practitioner?

I ask the same question, but I know from experience that these people can't be blamed.

Physical health issues are given more priority here. Once people have a slight headache, body ache or a rumbling stomach, they run to a chemist to get drugs. But someone can be living with depression for over a decade and still won't consider visiting a mental health institute for proper diagnosis and treatment.

If you think I'm making any of these up, feel free to ask my fellow Nigerians on the blockchain. You may think it has something to do with illiteracy. Maybe that's the case... But, when those who are learned still overlook their mental health, it sends everyone back to square one. Also, the records are there for everyone to see.

We've had cases of University students who committed suicide for one reason or another. It's not very obvious that it's due to mental health, but as the saying goes; 'the devil is always in the details'.

This shows that the disregard we have for the relevance of good mental health in my part of the world goes beyond being learned or unlearned. It's a general problem and it's left for everyone to individually decide to start being more conscious of their mental health.

If you are wondering why I'm making this mental health awareness, the reason isn't far-fetched.

We are all special in several ways and everyone means something to someone else. You have people you love and you surely have people that love you. It doesn't matter if it's one or two people. So, if you don't take care of your (mental) health, it will be an underestimation of the pain your absence will inflict on those that truly care about you.

Think about that...

The point is that we and those around us would be so much better if each of us learn to take care of our health, whether it's our mental health or our physical well-being.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Pexels


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 157 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


If we think about our loved ones then we should be considerate of our health. Because it really matters a lot to them. They can be happy when we are happy together.

You said it all about depression. People run to chemist shop for headaches and body pain but keep depression to themselves which is deadly.


Nice one bro. That's exactly how I see it. If we start being mindful of the feeling of those around us, it will be a solid reminder that we really have to be serious about taking good care of our health.


If someone is having a mental issue and it hasn't gotten to that level of insanity, nobody will treat it as a serious case.

This truth is so thick.
I remember,,,, we had one bros like that, who started having little glitches via the stuff he was smoking, his people kept mute till when it became obvious.

It's just the way we see physical/body sicknesses, they conquer the body system heavily when they're not being attended to, at the initial stage


Yeah. That example you gave is something very common over here. So many people have some sorta of mental health issue and it's Killing them slowly, yet, they don't get the mental care treatment they need. Some of them don't even agree that they need treatment until it becomes a little too late.


We really neglect a lot of things in this country and its unfortunate mental health is one of the victims.

People have this feeling never to call for help so people around them don't call them mad men but that should be far from it... I hope that many will come across your post and do the needful


That's the prejudice our society hold about any thing that has to do with mental illness. Once they hear of even the slightest one, they label the person suffering it as a mad person.

That's why some people are sadly bottling up their mental health issues and it doesn't always end well.


It only aggravates issues and most of them would have been stopped at a point.... Well, I really hope we get better
