Personal Opinion: Boarding Schools Are Overrated


Hello everyone. I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the weather wherever you are. Welcome to my blog.


I grew up in a wonderful family. A very beautiful one. I grew up with my mom, dad, and three siblings; 2 girls and a boy. I'm the last born of my family. My mom is a nurse and my dad is a businessman. Both my parents made enough money to take care of us- their children. We weren't so rich, but we could afford three square meals daily. My mom made sure she spent time with her children, teaching them values, good morals, and the ways of the lord. My dad on the other hand was a busy man, he still is a busy man. To make ends meet, he was always in his business place. He spent little time with us. This is probably the reason why I can't speak my dad’s language, but I'm fluent in my mom’s.

My parents showered us with love. Sometimes I always imagine how I’d build a family of my own. My wife and lovely kids, maybe two or three. 2 boys and a girl, yeah? I always imagine how fatherhood would look on me. I imagine myself teaching my son how to play video games, football, tennis, and helping them with their assignments (well, except mathematics. My future wife will handle that. I just hope she's good at math).


However, no one is perfect. Our parents made mistakes. Well, my parents made mistakes. They believed it was the right decision, but in reality, they weren't the right ones. There are some things that were done to me as a child that I won't do to my child in the future.


In my opinion, boarding schools are highly exaggerated. Well, I don't know about the ones in other countries. But boarding schools in my country? A no-go area for my future kids. I’d rather take them to school every day and break them back than send them to a boarding school. I've heard different stories of how parents lost their kids in a boarding school. Do you remember the Chrisland school incident? I’m sure a lot of Nigerians heard of this incident. A boy was bullied to the extent that he lost his life in a boarding school.

My parents sent me to a boarding school when I was 10. I'm sure they meant well for me. They wanted me to be the best version of myself. But, hell no! I went to boarding school as an innocent little boy, but I came back as an aggressive one. I don't know what happened, but I changed. In my opinion, the best way to take care of your kids isn't by sending them far away. You won't see them for months! That's not good enough. I know of many people who started smoking and doing all sorts of nonsense while in boarding school.

I know some people might have different opinions about boarding schools. But for me, it's a no-go area. You can train your child at home. Teach them how to read from.the comfort of their homes instead of sending them to boarding schools.


I thought so hard about other things, but this is the only thing that came to my mind. I read @merit.ahama ‘s post. Although I got emotional at some point, I really learned a lot of things and I agree with her in what she wrote about favoritism.

As I said earlier, I grew up in an awesome family. My parents loved their children equally. Well, my mom has a soft spot for one of my sisters, but she has never shown it to others. Some kids are really sensitive, choosing a favorite child and showering the child with more love won't do any good. Doing that will only create enmity.

Thanks for reading.


I get your concerns about boarding school, and I agree that 10 years was too young for you to be in boarding school. But man, you need to expose your kids to the struggles of the real world a little. You can’t protect them from the world forever, and stuff like boarding school, that’s how they see the world for what it really is - a place of struggle that only favors the tough and fittest.


Hello there, Hamza. I hope you good.
Yeah, for real, man. I know you have to prepare your kids for the future. But I know what I've seen and experienced. Dont you think there are better ways to train your kids?
