The billionaire's mind


Hello hiveans, welcome back to my blog.


So why does it look like the rich keeps getting richer and the poor seems to be getting poorer. The secret is the mind of both persons. While one has the mind to keep accumulating wealth by taking actions and constantly working, the latter is busy complaining always and still being comfortable in the comfort zone.

The truth is that you will never break out when you are still in your comfort zone. You need to push yourself out of that zone if you want to make it. Over the radio some years ago, a caller called into one of the shows and said that the rich people have little circle of family because they don't want to be spending money too much even though they have it thereby not fulfilling the scriptures which says "Go ye into the world and multiply". I laughed that day but then that moved me to start doing the calculations.

Its not like they cannot afford to have a large a family if they want but then again, that's where planning comes in. When you have a small family circle, your responsibilities are not much and you even find out that you give your kids better life, better education, better exposure than when you are struggling to take care of a large family. I know someone who gave birth to 7 children and is struggling to even feed them. How will they get a good life?

The billionaire's mind is a mind full of ideas that will elevate him to another stage of wealth and comfort. It will baffle you how some people don't even have plans for themselves. I asked a taxi driver one time we were talking what his plans was after he told me that he has been driving taxi for 10years. He said is to continue to drive his taxi till he dies. I was so disappointed. How can you just have a plan to stay in a particular spot for years till you die? Does that even make sense? How about getting more cars and letting people drive for you and give you returns? How about owning a company where people will book rides from your company just like Bolt and Uber?

The billionaire's mind doesn't dwell on a mistake for so long. He dusts himself up and makes another move to wealth. I was once in this position some years ago. I did a business that didn't sit down well with me. I had losses and thus beat myself up for years. If I had dusted myself up and continued with my business, who knows where I would have been by now. I said so because a fried who also experienced same problem continued and today she is doing amazingly well and has drop shippers working for her.


  • A billionaire's mind never gives up
  • A billionaire's mind doesn't stay in a particular place for too long without looking for ways to break out.
  • A billionaire's mind thinks of ways to get different streams of income.

Which mind do you have? A billionaire's mind of a regular mind?

Thank you for reading


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The truth is that you will never break out when you are still in your comfort zone

True.. staying on the comfort zone will create a kind of hindrance to the growth of the person..


Great perspective. I think it's an evolution to get to that point through experience and implementation. I don't think anyone was born with a billionaire's mind. Some choose to develop it and some don't.


I think it's an evolution to get to that point through experience and implementation.

Very true. I totally agree with you

I don't think anyone was born with a billionaire's mind. Some choose to develop it and some don't.

Every one was born with a mind. Certainly no was born with that billionaire's mindset. You have to develop it and work hard for it too.

Thank you for your contribution


Indeed. Working hard for it is the hard part but I think it's worth it especially if one wants to make best use of their 'financial live'.
