Don't be so hard on yourself



So the first quarter of the year has ended and we have entered the second quarter of the year. I was going through my to-do list when I realized that I haven't even done 80% of the things I said I would do in the first quarter. I was so pained to the point that it got to me mentally and emotionally. I made stew last night and it got burnt even when I was just sitting down there in the kitchen. I noticed that my daughter was crying more often because I wasn't even giving her the attention that she deserves.

My husband noticed it and asked me this morning what the problem was. I told him how disappointed I was at myself for not even trying to achieve anything that I had written down earlier when the year started. He asked me if I knew anyone who had died recently and I quickly remembered my neighbour who passed on. He asked me if I think my neighbour didn't have plans the way I did.

My late neighbour was a man full of life. He loved to work so hard because he hated to beg anyone for anything. My husband was glad I knew so much about my neighbour. He then concluded by saying that I should be grateful for life first and while I am trying to achieve things I have set out for myself, I should also understand that life happens all the time.

I got relieved and took something out of his talk.

Just keep pushing but never be so hard on yourself.

A lot of us beat ourselves so much that we forget to appreciate the fact that we have achieved something at least. If you can take out time to look at the little things you have done or have achieved, you will understand that you are doing so well for yourself. Sometimes the reason why we tend to feel bad is Comparison.

So many of us compare ourselves with what we see others do forgetting that we all have different foot prints. You don't know how much that person have worked hard to get to that point that you are admiring and want to be like. You may even be shocked that you may even be doing better than that person you are admiring.

I saw a friend last week and was so shocked when she told me what she was going through. I silently thanked God for my life. Beating yourself up for just no reason will only bring you High blood pressure at the end of the day. Just continue doing what you are doing and keep working at your own pace.

Just like they say, slow and steady wins the race. Keep being focused in your game. Keep pushing very hard and one day, you will get there.

A lot of us are putting ourselves into unnecessary pressure. I think one of the major reasons is this social media. Everyone is rich online and if you follow them, you will just end up killing yourself for nothing. The kind of fake life everywhere is something to be mindful of and if you do not hold yourself, you will just end up doing bad things to meet up

Finally, never ever stop counting your blessings. When it feels like you are not seeing results, think of someone who died with his plans.

Thank you for reading



The best way to get out of being hard on ourselves is by counting our blessings
. Many dreams are pending while some are being accomplished. In everything we give thanks to God


I have learned to always look at how far I have come whenever I am feeling disappointed in myself. Chasing target or plans can only be done by the living so if I am dead, there is nothing to pursue anymore.

I think we should be grateful for the things we have been able to achieve, I am glad you husband found the right motivation to help you.

The second quarter will be awesome so put your mind at rest.


Hello Joy, unfortunately this kind of content isn't Creative Sunday related.. I'd advise you to edit out the #creative-sunday tag and also read the link below to know more about Creative Sunday if you plan on participating next Sunday.


@prayzz thank you for this information. I have done as advised too.

Do have a great day
