My Favorite Quote.

There's a lot to be honest. Lots of quotes to be honest, and most of them are from the bible one of which is Prov 3: 5-6 that says "Trust in the Lord with thine heart and lean unto thine own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall guide your path" the first time I read this passage I actually found comfort it is as it reminds one of God's significance in ones life.
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Well I think it's time I stop here before I start preaching😅,for this topic I'll go with "Life doesn't get easy,you just have to get stronger" this is also one of my best even though It seems too harsh. It's inspiring and pushes one to get stronger rather than complain and I'm a big fan of that as I hate complains,I sincerely do. I just move on with life,I believe everything happens for a reason and every life experience has it's own lesson that it wants you to learn so it's better you focus and learn rather than complain.
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This quote was by Steve Maraboli one of the best motivational writer ever! I do like some of his quotes not all though,another one I like by him is"Happiness is not the absence of problems,is the ability to deal with them....that one really hits hard.

Develop a strong mindset that no matter what the case maybe you have to be at peace with your soul and embrace it and it's even proven that one is more like to solve a problem when they see it as a normal life challenge rather than panic over it. Mind you this quote doesn't mean life is always going to be difficult no not at all,it just means you should learn to accept and move on,you should Learn to see every mistake as a lesson and not a failure.

Another thing that I like about this quote is that it reminds you to prepare ahead,to stay ahead of time and always be vigilant. when you have it in mind that life doesn't and will not hand things easy for you then it means you'll have to go hard on it. Well,I love many quotes and I wish to know more and more as the day goes by.....more from the bible though as I wish to be more inspired by the bible,thanks for reading through....hope you lie it,don't hesitate to tell me what you think in the comment section though.


You've shared some inspiring quotes, and it's clear that you find strength and motivation in these words. Quotes, whether from the Bible or from motivational writers like Steve Maraboli, have the power to uplift and guide us through life's challenges. Your choice of quotes reflects your positive mindset and resilience in the face of difficulties. Keep embracing the wisdom they offer, and continue to be inspired by the lessons life teaches


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