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Image from gallery
Hola πŸ‘‹β˜ΊοΈ πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹...

it's me again, Thanks for the much love from my previous post,got many votes and I'm really glad. And yes, it's Sunday....most persons movie day so today I bring to you something you'd love to to play with,a tv streaming video design. Actually a website that shows interesting movies and on my list,I brought to the the Jackie Chan movie.


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I also brought other interesting movies you could pick up with, like Black panther, The red,even the one with Thor,don't know the name of that one but I bet it'll be interesting as well. Only if I'd be chanced.... I'm so occupied with a lot right now. But will try and create time for it though. Well, I designed this so I could share with my friends here on this platform and also to help the actors sell their movie (πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜…) But hold,who else thought Jackie would eventually make a movie with John? Like I haven't watched it yet but I believe it's going to be a great show, a show with laughter and action,more like a comedy movie.
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Image from gallery


So for what I used,as usual figma as. Oxygen as the font and I used both red and green color. I actually used the Netflix name for branding sake though, as one of the biggest TV's streaming platform I believe it'll be great to use as the selling company for the movie. Although I still believe it'll be great on other movie streaming platforms like showmax or so nevertheless it'll be more noticed more on Netflix

And now I think I'll be leaving now,feel free to tell me what u think about my design in the comment section though,don't hesitate to give feedbacks if u think there's something to be don't and also don't hesitate to send me an email if u want me to work on ur project as well,u can probably send me a message here in the comment section, of thanks for reading my blog,will bring u more designs soon,take care and have a great day ahead. See yaπŸ‘‹
