Advertising In Web2 Vs Web3

I saw an interesting discussion take place on Threads this week. It had to do with the launch of Leo Premium and the upcoming launch of Leo Ads.

There is a huge change in attitude towards advertising and being advertised to in a blockchain community. You see, we are fed up!

We're sick of being pitched.

We're tired of hearing products being endorsed by 'influencers'...

We're no longer going to be, the product.

The saying is, if you aren't paying for a product, you are the product. And that's been the general idea when it comes to traditional social media and how these companies have force fed advertising messages to us for years.

I get it....I really do.

However I'm going to attempt to challenge this belief when it comes to advertising on web 2 versus what we have happening here on web 3.

But first, let's have a coffee....


"Why did you just post a picture of a coffee cup Jongo?"

To illustrate how billion dollar companies still think....

Here is a classic example of traditional advertising. In Canada there are two 'cultures' that reign supreme.....Our love of Tim Horton's coffee and our love of hockey.

In about a week from now, the National Hockey League will be hosting it's 'Heritage Classic' match here in Alberta, Canada. It's a cool little event where rivals suit up and play outside, rather than in the climate controlled comfort of a sports arena.

And take a look who is the 'proud sponsor' of the NFL Heritage Classic....Tim Horton's. Their brand and name is everywhere on ads leading up to the event and the product placement for both the NHL and the coffee shop is everywhere.

Billion dollar companies still 'push' their ads on us. And without being too savvy when it comes to their bottom line, they seem to do just fine. This kind of advertising still works, or does it?

Now let's look at the advertising we're starting to see here on #web3 ....

See those?

That's the ads being served on InLeo.

And in case you aren't aware yet, on November 1st, the smart contract is going to launch that will reward holders of LEO Power with revenue sharing.

The income earned from these ads will be used to buy LEO off the market and then distributed to token stakers.

Essentially, if you own LEO and have it powered up, you get a cut of the advertising revenue on this platform. This is a massive disruptor to the traditional advertising model...

Remember the coffee cup above?

You are fed advertisements, that hopes to get you to buy their product. Or consume it one way or another.

In the web 3 model on InLeo, you are shown advertisements, but the more people that see those ads, you get a slice of the pie.

True ownership!

So the new way of looking at being advertised to, at least for me is......

Show me the money!!!

Or at least the ads and all the $LEO :)

So while the debate is up if these billion dollar companies are wasting their dollars on advertising methods that may or may not work....We'll be too busy here on the blockchain, earning from being advertised to.....

Crazy world we live in :)


Speaking of being advertised to.....

Here's a shameless self promotion for our brand new update list that we've started for the @town-hall witness!

Sign up below and get the latest news and updates when it comes to our witness and everything on the blockchain you could possibly want to know :)

Stay Up To Date!

Your Best Email!

Your Hive Username!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I feel ads are not going to die. Everything on tiktok and instagram is pure ads. Those models doing their stuff with body is to promote some product other wise why would anyone build a following? So that they can charge for ads. And it's reasonable, everyone has right to make a living. I think decentralization has kind of pushed socialism too much people think everything should be free and they don't have to pay for things.


Ads aren't going anywhere. I wonder how things will go but I don't really know if I will bother with the premium stuff. I am kind of fine with the features that I have on Leo right now. Do we know how many people are advertising?


The part I don't understand about the LeoAds program is why change the income in BTC or USD for LEO and then distribute it? Wouldn't it be easier to distribute BTC and save commissions?


For years to come no matter how much traditional advertising might still look to gain relevancy now, it is quite a matter of time because the digital world keeps evolving in a daily basis


Paid2View Advertising

So the new way of looking at being advertised to, at least for me is......

Show me the money!!!

This is not quite so new to me. Because I've been earning a few BAT from Brave. Which is especially good since I learned how to convert it to Hive.

But, you're right - it really changes your attitude to advertising.

Town Hall Witness

This is a fantastic project so thanks for the heads up.
Ecency users should be aware that the form isn't rendered on mobile. Though I haven't checked on desktop yet.

Being extremely lazy, can I just delegate my witness votes to @town-hall?


Que buena noticia, vamos todos a difundir la idea,...


Ads will remain forever and ever
Also, I have not used the Inlet premium but I'll do so soon


Ads are necessary for every company selling good or services. Ads are highly ineffective, because 99.9 % hate ads. But they still work. And the alternative of that 0.01 % not spending their money on the products advertised to them is not an option.
