Will Changing Jobs Make You Happier?

It is not uncommon for some individuals to move from one career field to another in their working years, which raises the question, ‘Should one be a generalist carrying out diverse tasks in different fields or a specialist, one who is specialized in just one occupation?


Sora Shimazaki

In today’s world, it is quite common for individuals to make job, industry and occupation changes at least once or multiple times in their career span.

Earlier, people used to decide what they want to do at the age of 22 and then follow the same line throughout their lives – this is the thing of the past; nowadays, people can switch jobs two or three times or even several times during one’s entire existence.

But is this the good thing?

What I will like to do is to dwell on some of the implications of this problem as well as some of the possible solutions. The following are relative advantages and disadvantages of having long career in one organization and career mobility.

Benefits That Come with Having Only One Career

Specialization and Expertise
The ultimate advantage of choosing a single career path is that one can go very deep and have great knowledge as an expert in the particular field. One can spend several years or even decades, while learning core competencies, developing expertise and transitioning to management positions. These high levels of specialization may result in job satisfaction, employment security and better wages.

Building Seniority
It also keeps one rooted in one industry which may be beneficial when it comes to amassing seniority. The longer one remains associated with a specific employer or occupying a specific position, the more chances they have to get pay increase, additional responsibility, recognition by peers, as well as other benefits that come with promotion. These are not easy to let go by just changing careers and starting over.

Career Progress and Achievement
On a personal level, this unique approach allows for consistent development of one career path and reaching of goals, thus continually experiencing success in that particular field. You have something to aspire to, a target to strive for, as opposed to what you often see politicians doing, coming up with new aims and objectives every few years.



Low Points of Having Multiple Careers

Excitement and Growth
Switching jobs can give a boost to your professional existence by providing the much-needed freshness and competitive edge. New industries imply new occupations, which means that people need to learn new abilities, approaches, and standards to become proficient. It also helps to avoid boredom and always stimulates the mind by constantly coming up with new ideas.

Work-Life Balance
Indeed, depending on their jobs and careers, people live different lives, have different schedules, and probably even different sleep patterns. The possibility of changing the sphere of work increases the chances of reestablishing the work-life satisfaction ratio if the individual feels exhausted or dissatisfied at the moment. Periods oriented on various aspects in one’s life can make overall life richer and more meaningful.

Explore Interests
Employee turnover today is characterized by career transitions as employees seek to work in line with their preferences. They are not bound to the profession they chose at a young age but instead provide themselves with an opportunity to transition to more satisfying or rewarding professions later on. Researching several occupations can assist you in finding interesting occupations that you possibly would not think of as a proper match for yourself.


It is obvious that there are benefits of choosing a clear career track and remain in it for one’s entire working years as well as the benefits of switching careers one or more times. As you all might be able to tell already, there is no such thing as a ‘correct’ approach. The best choice is only possible with consideration to one’s personality, preferences, and requirements for daily living and age.

If gaining deep expertise or attaining a senior position is the greatest priority, then, perhaps, one career for a lifetime could be optimal. However, if you value the ability to work around your schedule, have more time for your children, fun, or hobbies, then perhaps, switching careers is the right thing for you. The key is self-reflecting and asking an individual at different stages in life whether he or she is still happy in a particular career.

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0.02957670 BEE

You are indeed right @jessicaossom. Sticking to one career to be able to grow in it is advisable if the pay is good.

Many work although their life only to retire with peanut 🥜 as pension.

0E-8 BEE

I agree.

0E-8 BEE


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0E-8 BEE

Changing jobs or staying on one are two things that have there benefits and disadvantages and in which case you did a great highlight on these.
I will also support that individuals stay on one job that is meaningful
Bit when a job is not that lucrative, I advice for a change. We all pursue a better life

0E-8 BEE

You have stated amazing benefits of both categories but from my own perspective I believe it depends on the trends of time. I studied mass communication due to my passion for journalism, over time during my stay in school I discovered and got exposed to other career path that exist with the discipline of mass communication, I started exploring and truth be told I got better at aspect such as advertising and film production compared to pure journalism. Most times when we set a career path is as a result of the limited knowledge we had about other areas or because of trends of the present generation, as time goes on we tends to find path that is more suitable for our unique talents. Which tends to create avenue of having multiple career path.

Secondly, it depends on the country. There are some career path that might seem relevant in some developed countries. For instance I had a friend who wanted to become a cartoonist, as at 10 years ago that career has limited opportunities in Nigeria, whereas we have some countries who were in need of professional cartoonist.

Having multiple career tends to give you the privilege of diverting into other disciplines at the time of need, it is not as if your knowledge about of the profession would be equal, A person can major in journalism and have other minors such as advertising, marketing, e.t.c

Thanks for the enlightenment.

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0E-8 BEE

This life, everything is double edged.... advantage and disadvantage.

In this current we are in the world, the multiple career has it especially when one is not sure of longevity in a particular job

0E-8 BEE

I mean, if changing the job is for the better then of course, if not you just stick and grow in that field of expertise.

0E-8 BEE